She grabbed the woman’s hand and tugged her from her seat. They spent another two hours enjoying each other’s company over skeeball, foosball, and pinball machines before Ellie reluctantly allowed herself to be pulled from the warm pizza shop into the cool night air.
“Oh, I had a lovely time,” Elena said as they strolled down the sidewalk. “Are we goingthe same way?”
“Uhh, yes,” Nate said as he slid an arm around her. “I’m walking you home.”
“Oh. Is this one of the toward things you were thinking about earlier?”
“Yep,” he said with a grin as Maddie trailed behind them, her phone in her hand.
Elena shifted her gaze over her shoulder. “Are you coming, Maddie?”
“Yeah,” the blonde said with a frown.
“What’s wrong?” Elena slowed until Maddie caught up with them, and slid her arm around the blonde’s waist.
“My stupid friend. I hate her.”
“What’s she done to deserve that?” Elena asked.
“Probably didn’t text her back fast enough.”
“No,” Maddie snapped as she frowned at the screen. “She posted this picture.”
Maddie twisted the phone toward them. “She knew posting that would upset me because she knows I’m totally crushing on that guy.”
“I see,” Elena said with a nod. “And she has decided that whilst you spend the evening stuck with your brother and his boring date, she will take advantage of putting the moves on your man.”
“Yeah, totally,” Maddie said with a frustrated moan.
“Well, if I were you…”
“Yeah?” Maddie asked.
“I would take it as a blessing.”
Maddie screwed up her face. “Huh?”
“He is clearly not good enough for you. If he was, he never would have posed for that picture. He would have been so lovesick over you that he couldn’t even look at another woman.”
“Yeah, but–”
“No buts, my dear. You are an amazing woman. Youdeserve someone who cannot live without you. Not a man who would betray you that way. Remember your worth, Maddie.”
“Yeah,” the blonde said with a nod. “Yeah, you’re right. He should feel lucky if I dated him.”
“Absolutely, right,” Elena said with a grin as they reached her building. “This is me. Would you like to come up? Caroline is baking biscuits, eh, that’s cookies to you.”
“Sure,” Nate answered.
Elena grabbed his hand and tugged him into the building, mounting the stairs. They climbed to the third floor, and she dug in her purse for her keys. “Sorry. I always forget to get them ready.”
Before he could answer, Caroline pulled the door open. “Your h–here. Hello, Nate, lovely to see you again.” She peered between the two of them at Maddie. “Hello there.”
“Caroline, this is Maddie, Nathan’s sister.” Elena followed her ladies’ maid into the apartment and set her bag down.
“I’m baking biscuits. They are Ele–Ellie’s favorite. Would you like to try one?” Caroline said to Maddie.
“Sure,” the girl said as she plopped onto the stool. “I like your apartment, Ellie.”