“No, Father, not London or Paris. Sterling City.”

“The States?” he cried.

“Yes. A very safe city. I researched it. Low crime, a vibrant art community, so many things I could learn. And I would not go alone. I would take Caroline. You may even send some security, but not enough to call attention.”

Her father stared up at the portrait of his own father, taking another sip of his cocktail.

“Please, Father. Consider it my birthday gift.”

“Why are you so insistent not to take security?”

Elena chewed her lower lip, considering dancing aroundthe truth. “I don’t want to be treated differently. I don’t want to be treated like a princess.”

“Yet you are, my darling. You are royalty. You will ascend to the throne and rule this country.”

“And I would like to do that with benevolence and empathy. What better way to grow those values in me than to allow me to experience life?”

Her father heaved another sigh, rubbing his beard as he flicked his gaze to her mother. The flicker of a smile and amusement glowing from her eyes suggested she did not disagree, but left the handling of their headstrong daughter to him.

Her father flicked his blue eyes to her. She offered him her best pleading daughter expression, the one that typically melted his heart.

With another heavy puff, he pressed his lips together and bobbed his head. “All right, Elena. You may go to–”

His statement was interrupted by her shriek of delight as she leapt from her seat and flung her arms around his neck. “Thank you, Father! You will not be disappointed in me, I promise.”

“See that I am not,” he said in his sternest voice, though she knew it was all for show.

She kissed his cheek, pleased as the corners of his lips turned up. “May I be excused for the evening? I have many plans to make.”

“I suppose so, though I do expect to spend a good bit of time with you before you leave us.”

“Of course, Father,” she said with a grin before she spun on her heel and hurried from the room.

She snaked through the halls of the country estate to her room. With the doors closed behind her, she leaned back against them and let out asqueal of delight.

“That sounds like you’re pleased as punch,” Caroline said as she laid out Elena’s pajamas.

“I am! Caroline, we’re going to the States.” Elena threw her hands in the air. “We are going to Sterling City!”

“Well, that is exciting. Your plan worked, though it only provides a temporary escape from your duties.”

“That, Caroline, is where you are wrong. There is nothing temporary about my escape. I am going to Sterling City to get away from the constraints of the royalty. I am running away!”

Elena’s eyes sparkled as she bit into her lower lip, tempering the smile spreading across her features. She’d succeeded with her plan and soon, she’d be free.

Excitement bubbled within her. Elena couldn’t help but wonder what lay ahead. Sterling City, a place of unknowns, of potential adventures and hidden challenges.

Would she find the freedom she craved, or would the shadow of her royal identity stretch across the ocean? Only time would tell, but Elena was ready to step into the unknown and write her own story.



Nate’s teeth clenched as he read the text message from his father, a mix of resignation and irritation spiraling through him. Their fragile relationship teetered precariously on the edge of a steep cliff after his past actions.

He furrowed his brow as he considered answering it, not certain what he would say. But ignoring it would be worse. Ignoring it could cause ripples he didn’t want to deal with.

His jaw worked overtime, pulsing as he read the message over and over again. Today wasn’t the day he needed this message.