“Oh, thank you.” She glanced up at him, her heart warming at the gesture as she studied his handsome face. “Now, I have your jacket again.”
“You do,” he said, his voice soft as he pressed closer to her.
“And I will need to return it again.”
He flicked his eyebrows up, a grin spreading across his features. “I suppose we’ll have to plan a second date.”
“A second date?” she asked, leaning closer. “I’m beginning to wonder if you planned this.”
“What if I did?”
“Then I would have to say you are very clever,” she said, pressing a hand against his chest as she shot him a coy grin.
“I don’t know about clever, but I would say I’m very lucky.”
She grinned at him for a moment before he leaned closer to her, tentatively for a second until she shifted closer, letting her eyes slide closed as their lips met.
A rush of warmth from the kiss coursed through her as she pulled back. “I had a lovely evening. And I would very much like to see you again.”
“There’s nothing I’d like more.”
“How is Friday? Or will you need this before then?”
“Friday’s great.” He winced. “Oh, but there is one problem.”
“Oh? You already have plans?” Her heart sank a little as she wondered if he was seeing someone else.
He shook his head. “No. But…that’s days from now. I won’t make it through without being able to talk to you until then.”
Her grin broadened. “I see. Well, that is quite a dilemma, isn’t it?”
“Quite,” he answered, his thumb rubbing her cheek.
“We shall have to do something about that. Your phone.” She held out her hand.
He dug it from his pocket and handed it to her. She typed in her phone number before she handed it back. “Now, I’m just a text away.”
He smiled down at his screen before he tapped at it, then flicked his gaze to her.
As her phone chimed, she slid her phone from her pocket and read the message.I miss you already.
“You are a flirt, Nathan Parker.”
“I’m not. I’m just enamored. I think you are the most unique woman I’ve ever met.”
“Unique?I sound like gemstone,” she teased.
He flicked his gaze to the stars sparkling above him. “All right. You are the most incredible woman I’ve ever met.”
“Have you met many women? I assure you I am quite a dull girl.”
“Ellie, you are anything but dull.”
She smiled at him, her fingers caressing the fabric of his jacket around her. “Well, I should take my incredible self home. See you Friday? Oh, where?”
“Uh…well…” He winced. “Is pizza okay? I’m not…I can’t promise anything fancy.”
“What is so special about fancy? Pizza sounds lovely.”