After another thank you and a warm hug, Elena said goodbye to Nate’s family, waving as they car pulled away from the curb.

She heaved a sigh, climbing the stairs to her apartment. Caroline pulled the door open as she juggled her dress and shoe bag with her keys.

Elena flicked her tear-filled eyes to her ladies’ maid as she stepped inside. She dumped the dress and bag on the entry table.

“I take it the shopping trip did not go well? No good dresses?”

Elena’s lower lip trembled as a tear rolled down her cheek.

“Oh, dear, was the selection really that terrible?”

Elena blew out a shaky breath as she wiped the tear away and shook her head. “No, the dress is very lovely. As was the shopping excursion.”

“But?” Caroline said, cupping her face in her hands.

Elena’s face fell. “Oh, Caroline.”

Caroline wrapped an arm around Elena’s shoulders and led her to the couch. She eased her onto it. “Let me bring you some biscuits and tea.”

“Thank you, dear, Caroline,” Elena said, leaning back in the cushions as she pulled a blanket over her legs.

“Well, this sounds like it may require a double-cup of tea,” Caroline called as she filled the electric kettle and set it on its base.

Elena sniffled. “Just the one will do.”

Caroline chuckled as she set out the biscuits on a plate and delivered them to the coffee table. “Well, that’s some consolation, I suppose.”

The kettle clicked off, and Caroline poured the steaming water. She carried the cups and saucers over and delivered one to Elena.

Elena sniffled again before she took a sip and let her eyes slide closed. “Mm, thank you, Caroline.”

“Now,” Caroline said as she settled into the cushions next to her, “tell me what all of this is about.”

“The shopping trip was lovely. Victoria bought me a lovely emerald dress and a pair of silver sandals.”

“And it brought you to tears?”

Elena’s features pinched as she nodded. “They were so lovely, Caroline. I feel awful lying to them.”

“Oh, dear.” Caroline set her cup on the saucer and slid it onto the coffee table. “You really like them, don’t you?”

“I do. They were so lovely. And after I behaved so badly.” Her voice caught in her throat as she held back a sob.

“If you mean the lie about your identity, I will remind you that Mr. Kingsley did the same.”

“It’s not that,” Elena said with a shake of her head. “Well, it’s not only that. I…did something rather foolish atbreakfast.”

“Foolish? That doesn’t sound like you.”

Elena stared into the tea, gnawing her lower lip. “No, it doesn’t. It sounds like a desperate woman trying to conceal her identity.”

Caroline’s eyebrows raised toward her hairline. “What happened?”

“Someone snapped a photograph of me with Julian last night at the museum, and they printed it in the paper. I…spotted it and…basically ripped the paper out of Mr. Kingsley’s hands before I…”

“You what, Your Highness?”

“Burned it,” she said, her voice raw with emotion.