“Oh no!” Caroline said with wide eyes.
“Nate didn’t say anything, so I’m hoping he didn’t notice.”
“Let’s hope not. Just a few more moments here and then you are back to your young man for the evening.”
“Yes,” she said with a grin as Caroline zipped up her dress. “We’ve nearly done it.”
She spun to face her ladies’ maid. “Check me. Correct jewelry, correct handbag, correct shoes, correct dress.”
“Yes, and the wrap,” Caroline said as she slid it around her shoulders. “And done. Go, go!”
Elena sucked in a breath and lifted her skirts to hurry back to the exhibit, after successfully changing her identity again.
She slipped into the room, grinding to a halt as her eyes went wide. Across the space, the Kingsleys shook hands with the museum director and her cousin.
As their familiar forms loomed across the crowded room, a cold wave of panic washed over her. Her heart raced, thoughts swirling like a tempest. In that split second, her carefully laid plan seemed to crumble before her eyes.
Her lips tugged back in a deep wince. “Oh, no.”
She backed from the room, crashing into a waitress carrying a tray of champagne. The tray clanged to the floor along with the flutes.
“Terribly sorry,” Elena said before she raced from the room as the attention turned toward the noise. She ran the length of the hall and pushed back into the bathroom.
“Your Highness! What is it?”
“The Kingsleys. Here. I cannot go back into the gala. I must change and leave. Please, could you make my excuses?”
“Absolutely,” Caroline said as she hurried to unzip Elena’s dress.
They made the quick change, and Caroline sent her on her way. “I will tell them you are ill and went back to the apartment.”
“Oh, have you money for a cab? I do not wish you to walk with all these things.”
“I do, go, Your Highness, I will be fine.”
Elena nodded, as she squeezed her ladies’ maid’s hand. “Thank you.”
She raced back to the park, passed the concession stand before she turned back and waited in the now-short line to purchase popcorn and two sodas. With the snacks clutched against her chest, she made her way back to their seats.
Her heart skipped a beat as she spotted Chloe and Stephen speaking with Nate. She approached them, holding a drink out toward him. “Everything okay?”
“No, it’s not,” Nate said with a shake of his head.
She swallowed hard. Had she been spotted at the gala? Had Stephenreported her?
Nate grabbed the drink off of her, his features set. Her heart pounded against her chest as she waited for an answer. “What is it?”
“You tell us,” Chloe said as she crossed her arms.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Elena said.
“Don’t you? See I just told Nate your secret. So you may as well ‘fess up, sweetheart. It’s all out in the open now.”
Elena’s forehead creased as she shot a questioning gaze to Nate.
He shook his head, his jaw clenching. “Chloe…in her infinite wisdom, has declared that you…are…cheating.”
Elena’s jaw dropped open. Chloe’s words were like a slap, her insinuations a twisting knife. But beneath the surface indignation, a deeper fear churned. Every word was a step closer to unmasking a truth she wasn’t ready to reveal. “What?”