She’d said all the right things, smiled when she should have, pouted at the right moments, but hindsight had shown him that her eyes only lit up when he’d handed her an expensive gift, not when she’d seen him. When he’d needed support, she’d withheld it.

She used him, trying to desperately get a chunk of the Kingsley money. It had only been when he’d walked in on her with another man that the truth had come crashing down around him.

And suddenly, trust became something difficult to believe in.

He shoved the memory away, refusing to let her ruin this day for him. Ellie would be different, he told himself. Because he’d made certain she had no idea he was an heir toa fortune. She couldn’t want money she didn’t know existed.

And that way he’d guard his heart. At least he hoped so. Deep down, the scars of his past whispered warnings he couldn’t entirely ignore. So, as forward as he looked to the evening, apprehension tightened his shoulders, warning him not to get his hopes up.



Thoughts whirled through Elena’s mind as she climbed the stairs to the small apartment she’d insisted they rent when they arrived in Sterling City. Her keys jangled in her hands as she readied to open the door. She’d almost walked out without them earlier. Had Caroline not reminded her, she would have locked herself out again.

She was still learning how to live a normal life.

Although today’s events had been what she thought a normal life looked like. She glanced down at the stain on her shirt. She bet normal people spilled drinks on themselves all the time.

The corners of her lips turned up at the notion, though she wasn’t certain it was the spill itself or what had happened afterward.

Her fingers caressed the fabric of the jacket hanging around her shoulders. The man, awkward but seeminglynice, had made an impression. He’d been more than polite. He’d shown an interest in her.

And for no other reason than he’d spilled coffee all over her in a chance meeting. He hadn’t pandered to her because she was a princess. She liked that. She also liked a few other things.

Her lips curled at the corners as she tried to find the key on her keyring. Before she could, the door popped open.

“There you are,” Caroline said, her eyes falling to the stained blouse. “And looking worse for the wear.”

Elena skirted past her into the apartment they’d rented when they’d arrived and dumped her handbag onto the shabby couch that had come with it. “Yes, someone smashed into me and spilled my coffee all over me.”

“Well, I’ll try my best, but I am not certain I can remove that stain.”

“Don’t give it a second thought, Caroline. I am not worried about the blouse.”

“No? Is that because you are worried about the jacket you have acquired?” Caroline arched an eyebrow at her as she crossed her arms and offered her a knowing glance.

“No,” Elena said, avoiding her gaze.

“No? Are you certain?”

Elena flicked her emerald eyes to Caroline. “I am notworriedat all, Caroline.”

Caroline offered her an amused grin as she crossed the small living space and pushed into the tiny bedroom. “Oh, I see. You are unworried because you are not telling me everything.”

Elena dumped the jacket on her bed before she whipped open the cluttered closet and dug through it. “I brought far too many clothes.”

She yanked out a teal shirt before she shoved it back in andrummaged around.

“You are avoiding my question. What happened?”

Elena pulled out a green top. “Am I? I have already told you. Someone spilled coffee on me, and I must change.”

“Someone, is it?”

Elena offered her ladies’ maid a coy glance. “A male someone.”

“I see,” Caroline said. “And this male someone…he, uh…offered his jacket?”