“How many kids do you want to have Ellie?” Maddie asked.

Her mother guffawed before she clicked her tongue. “Maddie! That is an inappropriate question.”

“It’s all right,” Elena answered with a chuckle. “I’m not certain. I always imagined two, but nothing isset in stone. Of course, my husband’s opinion would matter, too. No matter how many, I’ve always dreamed of a family that feels as close and loving as this afternoon does.”

“Nate would be good with two,” Maddie said.

“Madeleine!” Victoria said with an incredulous grin. “I’m sorry.”

“Quite all right, Mrs. Kingsley,” Elena said with a laugh.

The conversation turned to more general topics such as travel and weather before their session wrapped up.

In the quiet moments as the laughter faded and conversations quieted, Elena found herself gazing at the pool’s reflective surface. The pool, a mirror to the sky, seemed to hold her conflicted reflection–a woman caught between two worlds. One of royalty and duty, and another of love and simplicity.Can I truly have both?

As Elena lounged near the pool, listening to a story about Maddie’s first excursion in London, her phone rang. “Oh, terribly sorry. Would you excuse me?”

“Of course, dear,” Victoria said. “You can step inside for some privacy.”

“Thank you.” Elena plastered a grin on her features as she hurried out of the sun and into the house. Her heart thudded as she stared down at the caller. Her father.

Her knees wobbled as she wondered if her cousin had told him about her relationship. Would she make it to her planned dinner or was her world about to come crashing down?



Nate sucked in a shaky breath as he stared down at the small box clutched in his hands. He shifted his weight on the mattress, his knee bobbing up and down.

The diamond-studded emerald in the center sparkled in the soft lighting of his bedroom. He chewed his lower lip, wondering if the unique choice of gemstone was a mistake.

His stomach twisted into a knot. What if it all was a mistake?

When he’d selected the ring, he’d imagined Ellie’s surprised face. Tears glistened in her eyes before she’d grinned at him and eagerly accepted his proposal.

Now, nerves made him wonder if her surprise would lean toward shock rather than excitement. Would she say no? Would she be overwhelmed by the speed at which he’d moved?

He snapped the box shut, trying to force his shaky breathing back to normal. His fingers caressed the blackvelvet covering the tiny container. He couldn’t have mistaken her feelings, could he?

He’d done it once before, he reminded himself as he tightened his hand around the box. He swallowed hard, memories of Chloe flooding back into his brain, unbidden.

He’d been so sure then. And he’d been so wrong.

Could he make the same mistake twice?

With a sharp inhale, he forced himself to stand and cross to his dresser. With Chloe, he hadn’t been himself. He hadn’t told silly jokes or actually said the things on his mind. Everything had been guarded. A careful dance orchestrated between them designed to keep the other one impressed and on the hook.

In retrospect, he’d been miserable. If only he’d known then what love really looked like.

With Ellie, he could be genuine. He could share his thoughts no matter what they were. She accepted him, warts and all.

He glanced at the mirror in front of him, narrowing his eyes at his own face. Though she hadn’t met his brother, Stephen yet. Would Stephen change her mind?

His version of events painted Nate as the worst man in the world. Did his narrative have the power to turn Ellie against him?

Before he could secret away the ring box into his drawer, a knock sounded at the door. He shoved the box into the pocket of his blazer before he crossed to the door and tugged it open.

His mother stood on the other side. “Hi,” she said with a soft smile.