Elena wagged a finger at her. “Don’t say honesty. I will be honest when the time is appropriate.”
“Of course, Your Highness. Until then, we shall navigate the precarious situation with Prince Julian as best we can.”
Elena’s shoulders slumped as she flicked a gaze at Caroline. “Thank you, dear Caroline. You always know what to say.”
“And do,” Caroline answered. “Let’s go home, and I will make a hot chocolateto soothe you.”
“I would love that. We will watch one of those silly movies where the couple falls in love in record time.”
“Sounds like a lovely plan for the evening,” Caroline said as the doors slid open.
As the golden hue of the late afternoon sun enveloped them, Elena’s hand hesitated over her phone, her heart a tempest of anticipation and dread. When she finally dared to glance at the screen, Nate’s message, a solitary “Weird,” seemed to echo her own turmoil, amplifying the suspense that now coiled within her.
“Oh, excuse me, I must call Nathan.”
Caroline nodded as Elena pressed the phone to her ear.
“Hey, Ellie,” Nate’s voice sounded a moment later.
She launched into her questions without even a hello. “What do you mean weird? What happened?”
He laughed at her inquiry. “You’re not even going to say hello? You must really be looking for a scoop on this guy.”
She winced as she corrected her faux pas. “No, I just…I’m sorry, darling. Hello. Now, what was weird about the meeting?”
He laughed again. “I’ll tell you, but you can’t use any of it in your article.”
“Of course not. I’m just interested for your sake.”
“That’s sweet. Well, he has the prospectus. Most people ask questions about that, but he was more interested in my family. In you.”
“Me?” she cried, anger filling her again. “What about me?”
“He wanted to know how the family business would continue. Would I settle down soon…I told him I’d met a lovely woman. He asked a few things. Just polite conversation. But he did mention wanting to meet you.”
I’ll bet he did, she thought. Her jaw hurt as she clenched it, gritting her teeth.
“Ellie? You still there?”
She forced her mind back to the conversation. “I am, yes. Well, I do hope he invests, but even if he doesn’t, perhaps that’s for the best.”
“What do you mean?” he asked.
They arrived at their apartment building and pushed inside. “Well, you know, you said the meeting was weird. Royals are…awkward, perhaps. Maybe high maintenance. Perhaps, it’s better to work with those used to your industry.”
“I see your point. Hey, I’m about to head home. Text you when I get there?”
“I’m looking forward to it. Safe travels, darling.” Caroline opened the door and waved for Elena to enter.
“Love you, Ellie. Talk soon.”
“Love you, too.” With a sigh, she tossed the phone to the side as she collapsed onto the couch to peruse the movies as Caroline whipped up a batch of her homemade hot chocolate.
Caroline delivered their sweet treat shortly after she’d selected a movie. “So, we’ve said the L-word, have we?”
“Don’t judge,” Elena answered as she scooped a gob of whipped cream from the top of her hot chocolate.