The prince raised his dark eyes to Nate. “Mr. Kingsley, how punctual. Please, be seated.”
“Thank you,” Nate said, sliding into a seat across from him. “I was surprised to get your call.”
“Were you?” The man’s eyebrows raised in surprise.
Nate grinned at him. “Well, yes. I hadn’t realized you took such an interest in biotech. I assume you are in town for the museum exhibit?”
The man sat back, his chin raised as he eyed Nate, his gaze seeming to size him up. “I am always looking for investment opportunities. The museum exhibit happens to be a happy coincidence. I was in town on…other business when the jewels happened to arrive.”
“I see. Other investment opportunities.”
The man’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “Something like that.”
“Well, I found the exhibit at the museum to be very interesting. Now, is that the Crown that the King actually wears?”
“He has several, but at formal events, often, yes.”
Nate smiled and nodded. “And I assume one day, you will, too?”
The man offered him a smile that bordered on a smirk. “Perhaps.”
“Well, what can I tell you about our projects to help you make a decision about investing in GenoTech?”
“Well, I am quite interested. I believe your assistant sent the prospectus for several projects that I am interested in, but from you…I’d love to know more about the family behind the business. You see, it’s quite important to me that I invest with the right sort of people. It really is crucial, don’t you think?”
Nate leaned back in his chair as he bobbed his head. “Absolutely. It’s all about shared connections.”
Julian offered him a cryptic smile. “Indeed. Genuine connections are rare treasures. As rare as finding a princess in a coffee shop. But I digress. What can you tell me about your family?”
“I understand. Well, you’ll be happy to know GenoTech, despite its size, is a family company. It was found by my dad over forty years ago. Both my brother and I are vice-presidents there. And my sister will likely join us when she’s old enough.”
Julian arched an eyebrow. “I see. And…how will it work when the empire is shared?”
“About the same way it works now. Though you’ll be pleased to know my father has no plans to step down in the near future. But when he does, my brother and I will step in. We work in different specialties, so we’ll likely oversee what we do best.”
Julian sipped his tea before he settledthe cup in his saucer. “And I assume your children will follow in your footsteps as well.”
He grinned at the man, his mind flitting to Ellie. She’d make a wonderful mother. “If they’d like, yes. I’d certainly love to raise my children in the family business just like my dad did with me and my brother.”
“And have you found the right woman to form your family with? Oh, I hope I haven’t crossed a line.”
Nate chuckled, a surge of pride as he mentioned Ellie. “Not at all. In fact, I think I may have.”
“How lovely. And will you settle down with her soon?”
“With any luck.”
“Hmm,” the man said, flicking his eyebrows up. “What is her name?”
Nate’s eyebrows furrowed as he studied the man. “Ellie.”
“Ellie. Well, what a lovely name. I’m certain Ellie is an exceptional woman.”
“She is.” Nate cocked his head, knitting his eyebrows. Why was the prince so interested in his personal life? “Is there anything I can tell you about the actual projects?”
“Oh, I’m certain I’ll find everything I’m looking for in the prospectus. But if I don’t, would it be possible to set up a dinner?”
“Absolutely. Just call my office and Melinda will be happy to coordinate our schedules.”