He tilted his head. “Not believable enough? I’ll have to work on it for when I confess this to your father. Let me try again.” He sucked in a deep breath and softened his features. “Imagine my shock, Uncle, when I found her living in poverty.”

“It’s not poverty,” she growled. “Don’t make trouble.”

“I’m not making trouble, Elena, darling. Though it is nice to know I can. You wouldn’t be nearly this touchy if Uncle Frederick knew.”

“He does.”

“He doesn’t,” Julian purred. “And I find that deliciously convenient. Right along with those photographs.”

She jabbed a finger at him. “I knew it was you.”

He leapt back, his chest collapsing. “Ouch, cousin, no need to get so bent out of shape. I have no intention on disclosing any of this…if you’ll do me a favor.”

“What is it?” Elena asked.

He puckered his lips. “I’m still working on the details, but I’ll let you know as soon as I need it from you. Until then, happy slumming.” He took a step away before he twisted back toward her.

His smirk held a shadow of something more, a gleam in his eye that Elena knew all too well. “Oh, and Elena…I do hope you’re enjoying your time with that man you’ve been seeing. Because he’s going to cost you everything.”

Elena’s stomach clenched as she grimaced at his receding form, his words echoing in her mind like a warning bell. “That…viper.”

“He is rather slithery like a reptile,” Caroline agreed. “And I am quite worried about that favor.”

“As am I. Julian is typically never involved in anything that isn’t nefarious.”

“I know. Hence, my concern.”

Elena pushed into the apartment building and stormed up the stairs. “We must do something.”

“What?” Caroline asked.

Elena shook her head as she tried to come up with a solution. “We cannot allow him to continue with this blackmail plan.”

Caroline unlocked the door and followed Elena into the apartment. “Then you must tell your father right away about this relationship.”

Elena collapsed onto the couch with a heavy sigh. “I can’t. Not yet.”

“Then what, Your Highness? What can we do?”

Elena pressed her lips together and narrowed her eyes. She grabbed hold of her purse and leapt from her seat. “We are going to fight back.”

“How?” Caroline questioned.

“Julian is always up to no good. We’ll catch him in the act. A few pictures of his own misdeeds should cancel out the ones he has of me.”

Caroline’s forehead creased as she shook her head. “Your Highness…” Her tone, a clear warning, conveyed more than words could.

“Caroline, we must! We cannot allow Julian to take advantage of us like this.”

Caroline shook her head. “But, Your Highness, this is very risky. We could become caught up in something we wish to have no parts of.”

“We have no choice.” Elena skirted past Caroline. “I understand, though. If you do not wish to come along, you do not have to. I can manage it alone.”

Caroline twisted to face her and lifted her chin. “Like fun you will, Your Highness. I may not fully agree, but I will not leave you alone in this.”

Elena grinned at her and squeezed her arm. “Thank you, Caroline.”

“Now, how will we find His Highness?”