“Yet you did not tell him.”
Elena shook her head. “I was about to, but then the ride stopped. When we got off, his family was there. I had no chance, and by the time we were alone, the moment had passed.”
Caroline arched an eyebrow.
“Do not look at me like that. I…am still uncertain.”
“Of him?”
Elena shrugged a shoulder as she set a bottle of wine on the shelf. “Yes. On many fronts.”
“But he claims his feelings are genuine.”
“Not so much his feelings, but how he may view me. How his parents may view me.”
“Surely, they would not object to a princess.”
Elena pushed into the warm late morning air. “You don’t know that. You yourself mentioned the pressures of royal life. Plus, perhaps they do not wish their son to move to another country. He is a Vice-President at GenoTech. It could leave a gaping hole they prefer not to fill.”
“Wouldn’t they consider his feelings?”
“Yes, of course, Caroline, but…what if they advise him against the move? Do you not think he would listen to them?”
Caroline eyed her sideways as they continued past another shop. “If he is anything like you, no.”
“When did you turn into a comedian, my dear Caroline?”
Caroline offered her a teasing grin. “You have doubts, but you believe this has a better chance of working out now.”
“Yes, I do. Nathan is lovely no matter how much money is in his account, but the fact is…with his status, he should be quite used to events and public life. Much more used to it than someone who has never experienced these things. So, it should not be too much culture shock.”
“Very true. Then you will tell him.”
“Yes,” Elena said. “Eventually.”
“Your Highness!” Caroline breathed, exasperation tinging her voice.
“The fact remains, I have not told him. And I do not plan to just yet. Not until after the dinner at least. I…it needs to be done in person and carefully.”
“I agree with that. I merely do not wish to see you on edge like this. It weighs on you.”
Elena flung her arms in the air. “What weighs on me is finding a gift appropriate for Mrs. Kingsley and Maddie. They have invited me to spend time with them, and I will have nothing to give them to show my gratitude. Why is this so much easier when I am in Eldoria?”
“Because you had a staff of people to make suggestions and retrieve the gifts for you?”
Elena shot her an unimpressed glance. “Are you saying I am too dimwitted to do it myself?”
“Certainly not, only that you are allowing yourself to become overwhelmed. In Eldoria, you have help for these things.”
“I must need it,” Elena sank onto a bench with a sigh. “Perhaps I should go back. My parents were right.”
At the slightest task that required effort, she was falling topieces. She’d never felt this way in her life. Why was this task so difficult?
Caroline slid a lock of Elena’s hair over her shoulder. “Perhaps you ought to slow down and have an early lunch. You are driving yourself crazy, and it has little to do with your inability to handle this.”
“Oh? What has it to do with?”
“The fact that you are so determined to be accepted by these people that you are overthinking things.”