“I’ll grab a few. Why don’t you settle at the table there?” Charles said.
Maddie looped an arm through Ellie’s with a cheer. “Please tell me you’ve eaten funnel cake before,” she said as they slid onto the wooden benches at the picnic table.
“I haven’t. I’m not even certain what it is to be honest, but cake is usually lovely,” Ellie said with a grin.
Maddie giggled as she shot her mother a glance. “I told you.”
Elena’s eyebrows shot up. “Have you been tattling on me?”
Maddie chuckled again as she nodded. “Uh-huh. I told my mom you’d never had pizza.”
“My parents were very strict, I told you,” Elena said with a laugh.
“Oh?” Victoria asked as she set her chin in her palm. “I’ll bet they miss you.”
“Oh, yes,” Elena answered, “and I miss them, but I’m having a wonderful time here.”
Nate gazed at her, the corners of his lips turning upward as he rubbed her back. She’d taken his admission in stride, in true easy-going Ellie fashion. And now she sat with his parents and his sister about to sharea funnel cake.
Chloe would never have done this, and certainly not with a smile on her face. But Elena grinned ear to ear as though she truly enjoyed the experience.
“How did you two meet?” Victoria asked as Charles returned with the funnel cakes.
Elena’s eyes widened. “Oh, my, that looks interesting.”
“Try it, Ellie,” Maddie said as she tore a piece off.
“With my fingers?”
Maddie nodded as she chewed. “Uh-huh.”
Ellie bit her lower lip as she wrangled a piece of the fried dough away and popped it into her mouth. “Mmm, this is excellent.” She wiped her fingers on a napkin. “Oh, and Mrs. Kingsley, you had asked me a question, I’m sorry.”
“Oh, no, it’s fine. I’m not trying to pry.”
“Not at all,” Elena answered. “Nathan and I met at a coffee shop. He actually spilled coffee all over me. But he was very gentlemanly about it. So, you may rest assured that you have raised a wonderful son.”
Victoria beamed at her. “Well, I’m so pleased you think so. Thank you. Nate is a very special–”
“Mom,” Nate warned, “stop making me sound like I’m five. I’m a grown man.”
“And still my first-born son who is very special to me,” Victoria answered as she gave him a pointed glance.
“You’ll always be your mom’s baby, son,” Charles said with a chuckle. “So, Ellie, tell us more about you. What do you do?”
Elena shot him an amused glance before she answered. “Oh, uh, I’m an editor.”
“That pay well?” Charles asked.
“Dad,” Nate said, his tone carrying a warning.
“I’m just asking. It’s not easy for a lady to make it alone in the city these days.”
“Uh, it pays rather well, yes,” Elena said with a nod.
“Her apartment is nice,” Maddie said.
Charles narrowed his eyes at his daughter. “You’ve been there?”