“I told her about the drinking. She was very supportive.”
“Nate, that’s wonderful,” Victoria said. “I’m glad you found someone you can be open with.”
“Except my name. I need to tell her. I can’t keep lying to her.”
“Why don’t you bring her by the house, and we can explain–”
“No,” Nate answered with a shake of his head. “No, I…need to tell her myself. I just…I don’t know how she’s going to take it. How would you take it?”
Victoria flicked her eyebrows up, licking her lips. “Well, your father never lied to me about who he was, but…he didn’t have the money we have now. I don’t know. I imagine if you explain, maybe she’ll understand. Though, she may be upset at first.”
He shifted his weight. “That’s my fear.”
Victoria offered him a consoling smile as she squeezed his arm. “Would it help if we were close by when you did it? If she takes it badly, I just…don’t want you to take it badly.”
“You mean you don’t want me to drink.”
“I don’t want you hurting,” Victoria corrected. “And this is a tricky situation. I don’t know enough about her to know how she’s going to react. But I do know if she takes it badly, I want to be there for you.”
He pinched his eyebrows together with a nod. “I’m going to the fair with her tomorrow. I need to tell her. It’s time. I can’t keep hiding behind a facade, especially not with these feelings. They’re too strong, too real.”
“Maddie’s been bugging about going to it. We’ll takeher tomorrow.”
He mustered a smile, a fragile thing that spoke of both his gratitude and fear in equal measure. “Thanks, Mom.”
“Nate, honey, if this doesn’t work out…then it wasn’t meant to work out. It has nothing to do with you.”
His smile faded as his features pinched. He’d love to believe that, but if this didn’t work out, he’d be devastated.
Ellie was like no one he’d ever met. If his lie the first day they’d met cost him his relationship, he’d spend the rest of his life regretting it. He only hoped he wouldn’t spend the rest of his life drowning himself in a bottle.
Elena stomped up the stairs to her apartment, her thoughts racing. Despite the encounter with Nate, the previous one with her cousin, Julian, still stuck in her mind, tightening her chest.
He hadn’t admitted it, but he had been the one doing this to her. His denials, so smooth and unyielding, clashed with her own certainty. She knew him, she knew his games.
She pushed through the door of her apartment with a suppressed groan.
“I take it the meeting did not go well,” Caroline asked from the kitchen.
Elena plopped onto the stool, her features pulled into a frown. “In a word, no.”
Caroline slid warm biscuits from a baking sheet onto a plate and set them in front of Elena. She glanced down at them before she shook her head.
“Oh, dear, it is quite serious if oatmeal raisin cannot cheer you.”
Elena pouted before she slid one from the plate and bit into it, allowing the warm sweetness to explode on her tongue. She slid her eyes closed, allowing the flavor to melt away her concerns for a fraction of a second.
“You know, Julian is quite frustrating.”
“Did he admit it?” Caroline asked as she poured a glass of milk for her.
“Of course not. Did you think he would? He played innocent, as usual. But I know it is him. I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t send them to my father.”
“To what end? Julian usually has something in it for himself,” Caroline answered.