“I assure you I am not. But I am ever so pleased you are feeling better.”
She led him to the group of painters, offering Caroline an expectant glance as they approached.
“This is mine.”
“Ellie,” he said before he flicked his gaze to her, “it’s fantastic.”
“It’s not, but thank you.”
“It is,” he insisted as he studied it.
“Really, my roommate, Caroline’s is much better. Let me introduce you.” Elena stepped back and motioned toward Caroline who extended her hand.
“Hello, lovely to meet you.”
“Caroline, this is Nathan Parker. Nathan, Caroline Winters.”
“Hi, Caroline. You’re British, too.”
“That’s right,” Elena said with a nod as Caroline flicked her a gaze to her painting. “That’s how I became her roommate. We came from the same town, and I knew she was here, so I asked if I could stay with her.”
“Oh, that’s nice. A little taste of home. Well, your painting is very good, too, Caroline.”
“Oh, thank you. I’ve enjoyed creating it.” She returned her brush to the canvas, filling in her last details.
“So, I never asked, how’s your day going?” Nate asked her.
“Quite well.”
“Really? What made it a good day?”
“Well,” she said as she flicked her gaze to the cloudless blue sky. “It’s a beautiful, spring day. The park is lovely. And there was a very clever gentleman has been texting me about a pizza date.”
The comment broadened his grin. “Very clever, huh?”
“Yes. He claims he’sbringing his A game.”
“He is,” Nate answered her. “Because he’s trying to impress you.”
She grinned at him, her eyes lingering on him as he returned her expression. “Well, I suppose I should be prepared to be impressed.”
“You should be. Your first slice of pizza isn’t going to be the only thing you’re going to love. Now, I really should get going before you try to drag any more information from me.”
She giggled at him. “All right. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Oh, you’ll hear from me before then,” he said as he backed away with a wink.
“I look forward to it,” she called after him.
She twisted to find Caroline’s eye on her. “What?”
“What,” her ladies’ maid said with a chuckle and a shake of her head.
“Oh, come, Caroline. Isn’t he dashing and arrestingly handsome?”
Caroline’s laughter ramped up. “Oh, dear, you are smitten.”
“With good reason,” Elena insisted as she cleaned her brush and removed her painting from the easel.