“We had a connection,” Elena said over her shoulder as they strode to the small kitchen.

She twisted to find Caroline’s concerned face as she hesitated at the breakfast bar.

Elena wagged a finger at her. “Don’t give me that look.”

“I am merely concerned, dear. I do not wish to see you hurt in all of this. You’re diving headfirst into waters you’ve never swum before. Even the calmest seas canhide whirlpools.”

Elena plopped on a stool, propping her chin up in her palm. “It is not me who will end up hurt, Caroline, it’s poor Nathan once he finds out what a liar I am.”

Caroline scrambled a trio of eggs and poured the mix into a hot skillet. “What name did you give him?”

“Ellie Greenfield,” Ellie answered with a sigh, slumping over the counter as Caroline chuckled.


“We were in a park. It was all I could think of.” Her phone chimed again, bringing another smile to her face as she answered.

“I see. And how was the first hot dog?” Caroline asked, setting a glass of orange juice in front of Elena.

“Not bad. A bit salty. I didn’t mind it. Tomorrow, we’re going for pizza.”

“Oh, heavens,” Caroline said with a laugh as she slid the eggs onto their plates, “he really is giving you the American tour, isn’t he?”

She settled onto the stool next to Elena with her breakfast.

“I don’t mind. I rather like it.”

Caroline tucked a lock of Elena’s hair behind her ear. “You like it…or you likehim?”

Elena slid her a sideways glance. “What do you think?”

Caroline sucked in a deep breath as she stabbed at a piece of egg. “I think you are falling for him already.”

Elena grinned at her ladies’ maid, twisting to face her as she dropped her fork. “Oh, Caroline, he is rather wonderful.”

“You’ve been on one date, darling.”

“I know. But…” Elena bit back a grin. “We just hit it off. Conversations are so easy with him. And…he kissed me.”

Caroline’s eyes went wide. “No! Your Highness!”

“I know, I know. A public display of affection. Notbehavior befitting of a princess. So very taboo, yet so very exciting.”

A grin crossed Caroline’s face as she leaned closer to Elena. “Was it a good kiss?”

“It was,” Elena answered before they erupted in a cloud of giggles. “It was a very nice kiss. So nice, we did it twice.”

Caroline smiled at her before she stroked her hair again. “Oh, Your Highness, I know this is all very exciting. And I’m happy for you, but…please be careful.”

“With my father?”

“With your heart, dear,” Caroline answered as she squeezed her hands.

The comment erased away Elena’s wide grin, turning her gaze wistful. “Perhaps I shouldn’t have lied to him.”

“That’s not what I was meaning.” Caroline polished off the rest of her eggs and rose to clear away the dishes. “Do you wish to tell him?”

“No,” Elena answered without hesitation. “I do not. I prefer him to grow fond of me without knowing my station.”