He bobbed his head as his mind raced. He tore off his clothes and replaced them with a fresh set before he hurried out the door.

“Whoa, whoa,” Maddie said as he hurried past her.

“What?” he snapped, annoyed at his own harsh voice.

“Your buttons are wrong, genius. You can’t go down looking like that.”

He glanced down at his shirt before he rolled his eyes at himself and fixed the problem. “Okay?”

“Yep,” she nodded. “Come on.”

Maddie led him to the library where he found his mother and father sharing a cup of tea with King Frederick. His heart thudded in his chest as the man rose, his authoritative eyes falling on Nate.

His mother offered him a tentative grin.

“Mr. Kingsley, I am pleased you could join us. Our last encounter was…less than cordial. I would like to apologize, firstly, and secondly, mention that I perhaps was…hasty in my response. I hope it will suffice to say that I have been shown the error of my ways.”

He lifted his chin as he continued, his hands clasped behind his back. “However, as you canunderstand, Elena’s position is not simply a matter of personal happiness, but of national importance.”

He tried to form an appropriate response, but his lips couldn’t form words as the king stepped closer to him, his demeanor softer than last night but still imbued with the weight of royal responsibilities.

“I propose a compromise that I hope you will accept. I would like to extend an invitation to you and your family to visit Eldoria. The trip would allow you the opportunity to understand more fully the duties and responsibilities that a future consort would undertake should he become part of the royal family. And, in addition, this will be an opportunity for us to grow further acquainted.”

He raised his eyebrows as Nate stood mute.

“What say you, Mr. Kingsley?” he prompted.

Victoria leapt from her seat, hurrying to his side. “If I may, Your Highness, am I to understand that this is not an approval of the engagement but that you are open to the relationship being pursued?”

“Consider it a period of mutual exploration and understanding. Should it be found that your son is capable and willing to embrace the duties that come with my daughter’s hand, then we may proceed with a discussion on the matter.”

Nate’s mind whirled. The way that had been closed so soundly last night now showed a small glimmer of being opened. Would it work? Did he have what it took to prove himself capable or was this merely a set up? A way to show Elena that he was not suitable?

He raised his chin. He loved her. And he had to take the opportunity. He had to prove that they were the right match.

Victoria set her eyes on him, silently prodding him to answer the question.

“I accept your invitation. I look forward to proving that Iam both capable and more than willing. I love your daughter. And I want to marry her.”

The king offered him a fleeting smile. “Then we will be in contact with the arrangements.” He nodded at Charles and Victoria. “Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley, thank you for the tea. I look forward to conversing with you more.”

“Wait,” Nate said, his voice catching as he slid in front of the king to block his departure. “Can I see her?”

The man puckered his lips before he gave a slight nod. “We return to Eldoria this afternoon, but you may see her briefly. She is in the car–“

Nate didn’t wait for him to finish his statement before he was already out the door and racing headlong down the hall toward the front door. He burst into the bright sunshine beyond it, searching for her.

She stood near the back door of one of the cars in the convoy. A wide smile spread across her features as he rushed to her and scooped her into his arms.


“Nathan!” she answered as she threw her arms around him. “Oh, I am so sorry.”

“No, no, no,” he said as he pulled back from their tight embrace. “Don’t be sorry. I understand.”

She smiled up at him, tears in her eyes. “I felt so awful. I worried you would never want to see me again.”

“That would never happen. I was going to fight for you no matter what.”