“Are you certain? You seem…tense,” she said.

“Oh, uh, it’s nothing. Just…I think we lost that royal deal.”

She seemed to tense up at the words as he said them.

“It’s nothing to worry about, though, Ellie. I mean, it would have been nice, but…I think my brother scared him off.”

“Where is Stephen tonight?” Elena asked.

“He’s here somewhere. I saw him come in withherearlier.”

Elena lifted her chin. “Ah, is this the source of your consternation?”

“No,” he said with a shake of his head. “They’re staying away for the most part. Though I think they’ve been warned. I would like to tell him that he ruined our royal deal though. And it’s a shame because if he wouldn’t have interfered, we could have met him for dinner. I know you would have clinched it for me.”

“Don’t be so certain about that.”

He spun her around on the dance floor. “I am certain. He would have loved you.”

“Royals can be quite fussy, you know?”

“I know,” he said with a nod. “This guy was exactly like I would expect a royal to be. You could see it from a mile away. Stuffy, arrogant, self-involved. Thought the sun rose andset on himself.”

She offered him an awkward smile, her eyes widening a little.

“Sorry. I know, coming from a billionaire’s kid, that’s saying something. But I’m a nice guy, right? I’m not stuffy and arrogant.”

“No, you are not. I’d wager not all royals are stuffy and arrogant, though.”

“Ha!” he barked with a grin. “I would. Ellie, you’re just too nice to think people aren’t all hearts and sunshine. Trust me, if you met this prince, you’d be saying the same thing.”

“Mmm, I bet.”

Their dance was interrupted by a fellow businessman. As they started their conversation, Maddie discreetly pulled Ellie away to meet someone else.

Nate finished his conversation with the man, promising a follow-up call early next week to discuss a collaboration. He scanned the crowd in search of his girlfriend, not finding her. Instead, he spotted Stephen coming toward him with Chloe on his arm.

Nate paused, pressing his lips together as he flicked his gaze away from them.

“Where’s the lovely Ellie?” Stephen asked as he closed the gap between them.

“With Maddie,” Nate answered. “I was talking to Ed Caruthers.”

“Didn’t want to be bothered with the details of business?” Stephen asked.

Nate shook his head as he rubbed his chin. “I’m not doing this with you, Stephen. I’m not going to let you goad me into an argument.”

“It’s not an argument. I’m just…mentioning it. She seems a little…simple.”

Nate narrowed his eyes at his brother. “Well, I guess I likesimple. It’s better than…” He flicked his eyes over to Chloe. “Fake.”

Stephen’s jaw clenched as he curled a hand into a fist. “You were warned about your mouth, Nate.”

“First of all, I wouldn’t punch anyone at Mom’s party. And secondly, if you’re going to insult Ellie, you need to be ready to take it right back.”

“I didn’t insult her.”

Nate shrugged as he shuffled a few steps closer. “If you want to get into an argument, let’s get into one over something that matters. Like the boneheaded move you pulled with Prince Julian.”