“You burned the man’s newspaper? How…interesting. How did he take it?”

Elena sighed, her shoulders slumping. “They were very gracious, though I’m certain I came across as a madwoman.”

“Oh dear,” Caroline said as she winced. “This is becoming terribly difficult, isn’t it?”

“Terribly, yes. I must tell him after the gala.”

“While I agree, I meant terribly difficult on you, darling.” Caroline slid a lock of her hair behind Elena’s ear.

“It is of my own doing,” Elena said as another sob escaped her. “I su…suppose my father was correct. I am ill-equipped to deal with real life.”

“Quite to the contrary,” Caroline responded. “You have done exceptionally well. You have made a genuine connection with someone. And now you are afraid to lose it. I think, darling, this is all quite normal.”

Elena sucked in a shaky breath. “Well, I hate normal.”

“It’s a good thing you aren’t normal, then, isn’t it?” Caroline said with a grin.

Elena smiled through her tears. “Don’t try to flatter me, Caroline.”

“I will always flatter you. Because you deserve it, darling.You are an exceptional woman. Remember that. And hold your head high when you go to that gala and after when you explain to your young man who you are. Whatever he does, you remember how exceptional you are.”

Elena wiped at her tears again before she flicked her gaze to the woman. “Thank you, Caroline. I…so appreciate it. And I will try to remember it. Particularly, if things go to ruin tomorrow.” Elena collapsed against her with a sob.

Caroline stroked her hair as she cried. “I don’t think they will, but if they do…I will be waiting right here to see you through it.”

The tears finally subsided after a while. Elena still huddled close to her ladies’ maid as she contemplated the job ahead of her. Every second that inched her closer to it tightened the knot in her stomach.

A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. Caroline eased her back into the cushions and hurried to the door. Elena’s features pinched as she heard her ladies’ maid gasp.

“Your Highness!” Caroline said.

Elena leapt to her feet, her stomach turning. She twisted to find her cousin Julian. Her tension eased slightly as he strode inside. At least it hadn’t been her father.

“Elena, darling,” he said as he eyed the apartment, “how quaint your new living quarters are.”

“What are you doing here, Julian?”

He arched an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. “Merely checking on you.”

“I neither want nor need you to do so.”

He frowned at the statement as he rocked on his heels. “Someone should before your life is in shambles.”

“My life will not be in shambles. Not unless you continue to play your nefarious little games.”

“Nefarious games?” He offered her aninnocent glance. “Me?”

“Leave the Kingsleys and me alone.”

He tugged an invitation from within his breast pocket and waved it in the air. “So, should I not attend this?”

She ripped the card from his hands, her eyes scanning it before her jaw clenched. “Stay away from this event.”

“Or what?”

“Don’t test me, Julian.”

Julian circled her like a wolf eyeing its prey. “What will you give me in return for staying away?”