Instead, I laid awake despite the exhaustion I’d felt while roaming the streets, my mind still pouring over all the details, this time stretching back to those dates that had gone so well, and the laughs Louise and I had shared.

I cried myself to sleep, managing a few hours before the light filtered in through the curtains. I awoke with a start, the detailsof what had happened the night before flooding back into my mind.

With a sigh, I rolled over, my body craving sleep and avoidance of my situation. After a second, I snapped my eyes open. If I wanted to escape unscathed, I need to be up and gone before anyone else.

I leapt from my bed, and dressed in a frenzy before I tossed things in my suitcase and zipped it shut. I dragged it toward the door, I glanced down at it. Filled with clothes Louise had bought me, I realized I didn’t want or need it.

I let go of the handle, curling my fingers around my purse instead as I pulled my door open.

I peeked into the hall, finding it empty before I crept into it and tiptoed to the stairs. I glanced at Louise’s door as I slinked down the stairs, heading for the front door.

Voices floated from the private study down the hall. Creeping closer to the half-open door, I caught the tail end of a sinister conversation.

“…will soon have all the money we need.”

I recognized Louise’s mother’s voice. I knew I should have left, but I didn’t. Instead, I hovered on the last stair, listening in.

“Are you sure this will work, Connie?” a man’s voice asked in a thick Southern accent.

I quickly dug my phone from my purse, toggling on the video and pressing record.

Constance cackled. “Why, of course, sugar. Don’t you trust me?”

“It’s slipped through our fingers once before when Lou pulled that stunt, marrying that Yankee.”

“And I told you, I have that all taken care of. I’ve already started. I gave her a dose last night. And she’s getting another one this morning in her breakfast.”

The words chilled me. Dose of what? I eased myself onto the hardwood floor and inched closer.

“By the time we get to the attorney’s office, she will appear completely insane.”

“And how does that help? Spencer Whitaker is her keeper now.”

“Because, my dear, I am going to prove that Louise is completely crazy. And that she had no mental capacity to enter into that marriage. That will end that union entirely.”

“And put the control back into your hands.”

“Of course. And then I will make sure my little Lou-Lou is committed to the best psychiatric ward in the county…and we’ll throw away the key.”

The laughter that burst from their room sickened me as did the plan to steal Louise’s inheritance from her.

No wonder poor Louise struggled so much with a mother like this.

I backed away from the door, toggling off my video, my stomach in knots as I hurried back up the stairs. With a glance over my shoulder as my heart hammered against my ribs, I knocked quietly at Louise’s door.

“Louise?” I whispered.

I tried again, but she didn’t answer.

“Louise!” I called a little louder.

With a shake of my head, I twisted the knob, finding the door open. I slid it open a crack, scanning the space. Louise sat on her window seat, staring out at the front lawn.

I slipped inside and eased the door closed before I raced over to her.

“Louise,” I said, my voice rushed with panic, “we have to get out of here.”

When she twisted to look at me, I drew my chin back to my chest. Her dilated pupils made her look as crazy as her mother hoped to paint her.