Stupid of me, I knew, but my heart had been shattered by both Louise and Spencer.
As I left the garden behind, the scent of roses halted me–a scent that brought back memories of Louise’s laughter as she sprayed a rose-inspired perfume on my pulse point, insisting it was my style.
I slipped through the creaky metal gate onto the sidewalk.
The humid night air clung to me like a heavy shroud as I wandered through the overgrown paths of the park, the twisted shadows of oaks stretching out like fingers trying to pull me back to the dark truths of the mansion.
For a second, I wondered if I could make it home on my own.
I kicked myself for not bringing my wallet with me. I could have gone straight to the airport and caught a flight home. Or rented a car and driven back.
I didn’t care how, as long as I got away.
My fight or flight instincts were screaming at me to run as fast as I could. Some of that may have been due to my extreme embarrassment.
My mind concocted horrible scenarios of Louise and Spencer laughing about my reaction to their game or placing bets.
It made me nauseous, and I sat down on a bench as I entered a park. Tears formed in my eyes again as my brain taunted me,and I doubled over, my fingers clutching the wooden slats as I sobbed.
How could I have been so stupid?
To stop the deluge, I turned on my phone’s display, staring at it through watery eyes as I navigated to a travel site and searched for a flight home. The pickings were slim and all of them were more than the balance in my bank account.
I pressed my lips together as my lower lip threatened to tremble. I wondered if my sister could help me pay for the flight?
A groan escaped my lips as I realized how embarrassing it would be to explain to Audrey that I’d caught the man who proudly proclaimed he was my boyfriend kissing the woman who’d just blurted that she was my best friend.
I could already hear Audrey’s cackle, uncontrollable as she told me what a moron I was.
“Oh, Eve, you have been so stupid,” I murmured as I hung my head, a few more tears escaping me.
With a deep, shaky breath, I tried to settle my nerves, but it took longer than I hoped. I sat in the warm Savannah evening air with my arms wrapped tightly around me.
My mind tried to come up with reasons to make anything Louise said true. It was all a misunderstanding. It wasn’t what I thought.
I scoffed. How could it not be? I’d clearly seen their lips pressed together, Spencer’s hand gently cupping Louise’s face.
I couldn’t shake the image, and I couldn’t figure out any reason that would explain it away. With a hollow feeling in my chest, I forced myself to my feet. I couldn’t get away right now. The only thing I could do was return to Louise’s childhood home.
The thought made me sick. And instead of retracing my steps to the house, I wandered through the streets until the wee hours of the morning.
I desperately wanted to avoid Louise and Spencer. I hoped to return after they’d given up on waiting for me.
When I could no longer hold my eyes open, I finally found my way back to the house, staring up at it and searching for lights. Most of it was dark, so I slipped through the gate and into the French doors, thankful they were still unlocked.
I crept up the stairs, wincing at every creak until I reached the next floor.
My steps slowed as I passed Louise’s room. I stared at the door, wondering if Louise and Spencer had fallen asleep laughing over my stupidity.
The thought tugged my lips into a frown as I forced myself down the hall to my room. I closed myself in the quiet solitude of the space and locked my door behind me.
My eyes filled with tears again being in this close proximity to those who had betrayed me. I had to get away.
As I changed into my nightclothes, I made the silent promise that I would take an independent step to solve my own problems.
I would leave Savannah the following day. I could rent a car, and I’d drive myself back. That was the only affordable solution, and it would stop me from struggling to avoid Louise and Spencer for the rest of the weekend.
After a quick search on my phone to ensure cars were available for rent at the airport, I finally settled into the pillows. But sleep wouldn’t come to me.