Audrey chuckled a little, her features pinching as she tried to assess my tone. I hoped it came across as serious. I could see why Louise didn’t like this woman.
“Uh, I wouldn’t say that,” Eve answered with a nervous laugh.
“Neither would I,” her sister added.
“Well, I sure feel lucky,” I answered. “And, uh, I hate to be rude, but Eve and I were about to head out.”
“Right, of course. Well, umm, Spencer, was it?” Audrey asked, wrapping a lock of hair around her finger before she tossed it over her shoulder, a slight smirk on her face. “Gosh, Ireallyhope I can see more of you.”
I offered her a silent smile in response, hoping I’d never see her again.
“Uh, good night,” Eve called over her shoulder as I grabbed her hand and tugged her away.
I hoped she didn’t realize how sweaty my palm was after all of that, but I couldn’t stand by and do nothing. Eve had helped me out enormously, putting her life on hold to help me fool Louise.
I put her into the passenger’s seat before I raced around and slid behind the wheel. “Hey, umm, really sorry if I overstepped there with your sister. Umm…”
“Oh, it’s okay,” she said as I fired the engine and pulled away from the restaurant. “Actually, I enjoyed the look on her face. Although, it’ll probably just mean she’ll try to impress you even harder.”
“That’s not going to happen,” I answered easily.
It wouldn’t. Audrey was of zero interest to me. I could see right through that fake facade. She’d be the type to drain my bank accounts and leave me for another man.
A sideways glance showed me that Eve offered a fleeting smile before she sent her gaze forward again.
A few minutes later, I slid my car next to the curb outside of her apartment. She popped the door open before I could even slide the shifter into park.
“You don’t have to walk me in,” she said as she hopped out, slamming my door shut. “Good night, Spencer.”
“Oh, uh…” I stammered around, wondering if I’d done something wrong. “Good night,” I finally called after her.
She waved from the door with another fleeting smile before she disappeared inside.
My stomach twisted into a knot as I sat in the still-running car, staring blankly at her door. She’s seemed…colder than normal.
I immediately wondered if my performance with her sister had been unwelcome.
“You’re an idiot, Spencer,” I murmured to myself as I shifted into gear and pulled away. “Of course, it was unwelcome. If she wanted a fake boyfriend to make her sister jealous, it wouldn’t be you.”
My heart sank a little as I reminded myself that I wasn’t exactly the most eligible bachelor. I was awkward, dorky, and not handsome by any stretch.
And I’d probably just ruined my plan to fake date Eve. But what I couldn’t quite pinpoint was why it made my heart ache so much.
Iplopped down into one of the leather seats, lifting my champagne from the tray as the plane’s engines roared to life outside.
“Oh, uh, leave the bottle, darlin’,” I said to the flight attendant on Spencer’s private jet.
I’d need as much alcohol as this plane could carry to brace myself for facing my mama in Savannah.
I glanced across the cabin as the door shut, and we prepared to take off. At least I had my two best friends with me. Spencer and Eve sat across the cabin on the couch where I’d made them sit. I wanted them to spend the flight together.
They hadn’t yet had their fourth date with the trip to Savannah, and I was bound and determined to make up for that by forcing them to spend more time together.
As the plane rumbled down the runway, eventually rising into the air, my mind regressed back to my conversation with Spencer after that third date.