I offered her a weak smile.
The anger floating her eyes dissolved into fear. She stared at me, wide-eyed, her lower lip quivering as tears formed in her eyes. “You’re mad at me, aren’t you?”
“No,” I said with a shake of my head.
“You are.” A tear spilled onto her cheek. “Oh, no. I’ve done it again. I always do this. I get a friend, and I just smother them. I just go too far, and I push them away.”
She sank onto my couch, her features twisted with upset.
“Oh, no, Lou.” I eased onto the couch next to her and wrapped an arm around her. “No, I’m not mad. I just…my sister…I really appreciate you standing up for me.”
Her features melted as she took my hand. “Honest?”
“Yes. Audrey was being particularly difficult today. It’s just…by telling her who I’m dating, she…she’ll go after Spencer.”
“You mean…” Louise leaned closer, her voice lower to a whisper. “She’ll try to steal him?”
I bobbed my head. “She’s done it before.”
“That tramp!” Louise shouted. “Well, she is not going to steal Spencer. Don’t worry about that. You two are perfect for each other. He knows that. We all know that. Audrey is not going to win this time, darlin’.”
I chewed my lower lip, not entirely certain I was going to win either.
The front door slammed shut as I put on the third sport coat and stared at it in the mirror, wondering if I should go back to the first. My second date with Eve was coming up in less than an hour, and I was more nervous than I had been before the first one.
This should be easier. We’d swept aside the weird social obligations. She’d agreed to keep dating me for as long as I needed.
Maybe that was why. Maybe her graciousness was making me nervous. I felt guilt for taking advantage of her.
I bobbed my head, convincing myself that was it as footsteps pounded toward me. With a furrowed brow, I adjusted my lapels again, still trying to decide which jacket was best.
The door to my bedroom burst open, and Louise hovered in the doorway.
"Louise! Ever heard of knocking?"
She waved dismissively as she stormed into the room. "Oh, please, Spencer. Whether you're dressed or not is the least of my concerns. We need to talk—now."
She stormed over to my bed and collapsed onto it.
“Okay?” I asked, wondering if I’d have to cancel my date. A pang of sorrow shot through me if that was the case. Ridiculous, of course, since we were fake dating.
Louise exhaled deeply, her hands massaging her temples. "You need to step things up with Eve."
I blinked in confusion, sinking onto the edge of the bed. "Lou, we've only had one date. What's the rush?"
Her shoulders slumped as she slid her eyes closed, her jaw clenching.
“And let’s not forget…you haven’t even been on a date yet. You still have to–”
“Stop, Spence, I’m serious.”
Louise wasn’t taking my good-natured ribbing, and that was a clear sign that she was distressed by something.
“What happened?” I asked, reaching for her hand.