He lifted a shoulder at me. “Well, I’ll…be nice to her.”
I pressed my lips together and shook my head. “I want you to be more than nice. Spencer, you should woo her.”
“I don’t…woo,” he answered me.
“Well, will you at least take some advice?”
“Louise,” he said, his voice a little whiny. I’d come to recognize that tone to mean he didn’t want to do something.
After what I’d seen from Eve’s sister, though, this was more important to me than ever. I shot him an icy glare.
“Now, don’t give me that look,” he said with a wrinkle of his nose.
“I’m giving it to you, sugar. Eve deserves your best.”
“I just…I think you’re putting a lot of pressure on both of us. What if we don’t like each other?”
The question shredded my heart. How could they not see what I saw? They were perfect for one another; I just knew it.
I soothed my frayed nerves with another sip of my drink. “I don’t see why you wouldn’t like each other.”
“Lou, it happens all the time. Actually,” he said as he held a finger in the air, “it happens most of the time when I am involved.”
“And what if you like her? You know, I’m just going to keep trying until I find one you like. So, if Eve’s not your gal, I’ll get another and another and another…”
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him wince as he slouched down on the chaise. “I get it. I’m just…throwing it out there.”
“And now you know the solution. If Eve is that awful, I’ll find you a new gal.” That ought to fix him. He was getting into his head over this date, but if he had another woman looming over him…well, he’d likely want to stick with sweet Eve.
“But,” I continued, “that has nothing to do with being polite. Now, you’re picking her up, right?”
“Huh?” he asked before he sipped his drink.
“Spencer,” I said, my tone warning, “have you given this no thought at all?”
“Well, I…I figured you’d have it all planned.”
I swatted at him with a shake of my head. “You need to text her and tell her you’ll pick her up.”
He rubbed his lips together, staring into what remained of his frothy drink.
“Is your phone broken?”
“I don’t have her number.”
“You’re in luck,” I said before I scurried into the house to grab my phone from my bag. As I plopped back down onto the chaise next to him, I pulled up her information and passed it along.
“Okay,” he said. “I’ll just text…pick you up at five forty-five.”
“Are you being deliberately obtuse? Spencer, tell her who you are and how you got her number.And thentell her when you’ll pick her up. Honestly, Spence, I’m starting to wonder if we’ll need those little earpieces so I can make sure you’re treating her right.”
“I can treat her right. I just…I’m going to be myself, that’s all. The point is that she likes me for me, right?”
“Are you going to take your laptop and pound on the keys all night, then?”
He shot me an unimpressed glance. “Very funny.”
“All right, answer me this if you are so certain you don’t need help. What are you taking her?”