The screen glowing in front of me failed to hold my interest. I’d made decent progress with my translation tasks this morning before the odd situation from yesterday crept back into my mind. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, recalling the bizarre moment.

In fact, my life had been strange since I’d met Louise Montgomery-Whitaker. An image of the feisty redhead floated through my mind. I’d never met anyone so forward or confident. She moved through the world like a force, a complete contrast to me who slinked through it with an apology constantly ready.

I wasn’t certain why, but the world seemed to trample on me most times. I didn’t mind, it just made me keep to myself.

Louise hadn’t taken advantage of me, though. She’d been far too kind, actually. I twisted to glance at the bags still on my dining room table. I hadn’t unpacked them yet, still wondering if I should return them.

Louise would never let me do that, but I felt odd accepting such lavish gifts from a new friend. It wasn’t the strangest bit of the day, though. That had been when she’d asked me to go on a date with her husband.

I sensed reluctance on his part, but he’d played along. I wondered if it had only been for Louise’s sake.

To be honest, I was surprised they were divorcing. She’d said they’d married for legal purposes. My mind whirled at what that meant. I’d been too flabbergasted to ask what those reasons were, though I supposed they were none of my business.

Wait, I thought, my eyebrows furrowing, I was about to go on a date with this man. Maybe it was my business to know. What if they’d married because he’d committed a crime?

A million nightmare scenarios shot through my mind as I started to talk myself out of this dinner. I could be going out with a serial killer…or something equally as bad.

Why was Louise so insistent on marrying him off to someone before the ink was even…well…printed on her divorce papers?

My mind wandered to how close to divorcing they were. Was it already in the works or months away?

“Does it matter, Eve?” I asked aloud with a sigh as I typed a few more French words into the document.

I decided it didn’t. It felt odd to even hope for a good outcome in this situation. I couldn’t honestly believe I’d find love and eternal happiness dating another woman’s husband, no matter how okay she said she was with it.

This was trouble waiting to happen.

I pushed back from my desk and rose from my seat. I wandered into my tiny kitchen and filled my tea kettle, setting it on the stove and turning on the heat.

As I waited for it to boil, I snatched my phone from the charger and opened my text message string with Louise. My shaky fingers hovered over the virtual keyboard as I tried tofigure out a way to tell her I wanted to cancel my date with her husband.

As I stared blankly at it, the scream of the kettle drew me away. I poured the steaming liquid into my mug and dunked a tea bag into it.

My phone chimed, and I scooped it from the marred dining table tucked against the wall on my way back to my desk.

I spotted Louise’s name on my lock screen, sending my heart into a frantic rhythm. I swallowed hard as I swiped into it.Morning, sugar. I’m on my way to your place with two iced coffees. Prepare your closet!

My pulse quickened as I remembered she was heading over to pick out an outfit for the date. “Looks like I’m not off the hook.”

As I waited for her to arrive, I tried to come up with a good way to tell her I preferred to cancel. “Louise,” I practiced, “I’m not certain this is a great idea.”

I rose and paced the floor, the warm mug clutched in my hands. “No, that’s not going to work. Louise, this is not a good idea.”

I tried to sound firm, but it didn’t work. Instead, I sounded uncertain and pleading.

With a sigh, I tried again. “This is a terrible idea.”

The knock at my door sent my heart into my throat and with a startled, deer-caught-in-headlights glance over my shoulder, I wondered if I could hide.

With a shake of my head, I set my mug down and squashed my fight-or-flight instincts as I crossed to the door and pulled it open.

“Hi!” Louise said with a giant grin.

“Hi, Lou,” I answered, motioning for her to come inside.