“I usually start working around seven,” she answered.

“Oh, honey, you have got to learn the art of sleeping in. I promise you, it’s to die for—as is that handbag, come on.” I dragged her into the purse shop to eye the red bag calling my name.

Five minutes later, we left the store behind, me with a new purse in hand.

“So, what is it that you do that requires you to be working so early?”

“Uh, it’s not that it’s required, I just…like to get work done early. And I’m a translator.”

“I see,” I answered with a nod, “so, you work early, so you can play all afternoon.”

“Uh,” she said with a chuckle. “I usually do a bit more work.”

I furrowed my brow as I sipped my coffee. “Play all evening?”

“Sure,” she said with a coy grin.

“What do you do all evening?”

“I may or may not sneak a few more translations in while I watch television.”

“Eve!” I shouted. “You must be joking. You don’t have any fun?”

“That’s not true,” she shot back. “I…watch TV, I told you.”

“Oh, my. All work and no play makes Eve a dull girl.” Yes, this dull girl was just the woman for Spencer.

“I’m not dull. I’m just…not very interesting.”

“That’s not true,” I said as we ducked into the dress shop.

I browsed a few of the new arrivals as the assistant greeted me. My eyes slid sideways, noticing that Eve only half-heartedly eyed a few things here and there. I, on the other hand, wasn’t just browsing for myself. I’d already mentally cataloged a half-dozen things that would look great on Eve at all the various dates I already imagined Spencer taking her on.

“See anything you like?” I asked.

She glanced at me, her cheeks a little pink as she smiled. “Oh, I don’t really need anything.”

“Darlin’, if you saw my closet you’d know I am not inneedof anything, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to try this lovely little white sundress. What do you think?”

“That would look great on you.”

“Well, come on, pick yours to try on. I’m not going alone.”

“Oh, I’ll just wait for you here.” She offered me a dismissive wave of her hand.

I cocked a hip, arching an eyebrow. “Now, I amnotgoing to do this alone. We’re supposed to be shopping together. So, either I’m going to leave behind this lovely little dress that I just adore, or you’re going to try on this cute pink sundress with me.”

The sweet little sleeveless number would be perfect for that beach picnic I had in mind for Eve and Spencer’s second date.

She stared at the dress, her forehead creasing. “Uhhh…”

“Don’t you like it? I’ll bet it’ll look just darling on you. And I’m pretty certain I guessed your size right.”

She plastered a grin across her face that suggested she was humoring me, but I didn’t mind because she reached for the dress. “Okay. It won’t hurt to try it.”

“That’s the spirit, sugar.”

In a cloud of giggles, we disappeared into the dressing rooms. I shimmied out of my clothes and tugged up the silky white fabric around me, zipping it up. I didn’t care what it looked like; I’d buy it if I had to just to ensure she got the dress I’d picked out for her.