Then, I moved to the soup. “And when you were sick, and we built your house in Mystic Realms.” I grinned at the memory. “I…I really enjoyed that night–outside of you being sick. I just…I’ve never had so much fun playing my game with someone else before.”
Her features devolved into more confusion as I spoke.
“The teddy bear that I won for you, the teacup ride where I nearly puked on you, but you were so nice. And, of course, a lighthouse–you love them, and I took you to one.”
I chewed my lower lip for a second.
“I don’t understand,” she answered. “Yesterday–”
“I was an idiot,” I answered. “Yesterday, I…I was so scared you didn’t feel any of the things I was feeling that I…I did something so stupid, Eve. And I’m so sorry. I hope you can forgive me.”
Her dark eyes searched mine for answers.
“I’m…I…” Fear seized my heart, but I fought through it. I had to say the words. I had to try. “I’m in love with you, Eve. I have been for a good part of our time together. I…I just…I thought you weren’t interested because we weren’t supposed to be dating. You know? I thought that you wanted to keep that agreement in place. I thought that you’d never be interested in someone like me.”
“Someone like you?” She cocked her head. “What does that mean?”
I shrugged. “I’m…awkward and nerdy. I’m different. I’m not mainstream, and I’m not male model handsome.”
“But those are all the things that I like about you,” she said, her voice soft.
Her words lifted me a little, though I felt heat rising into my cheeks. Maybe I had a chance to claw my way out of this one.And if I did, I’d spend the rest of my life proving she’d made the right choice.
She nodded.
I licked my lips. “Is there any way…any way at all you’d consider giving me a second chance? I messed up big time yesterday, and I…I was scared. But from the time we shared that kiss in Vale, I just…”
I reached into my pocket and pulled out the ring box. “Eve, I know this may seem sudden, especially given my behavior yesterday, but…”
I eased my way down to one knee, rising my hopeful eyes to hers. “If you’ll give me the chance, I’ll spend every day of the rest of our lives proving to you that you made the right choice.”
Her eyes went wide as she stared at the ring, her lips parting. She raised her eyes from the ring to mine, her gaze questioning. “Spencer…”
“I know. I know this is overwhelming. But I can’t lose you.” I shook my head. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to make this all about me. If this is too much, I’d take anything. The rest of the summer, a week, one date, one hour. Whatever you’re comfortable with. Whatever you–”
“Spencer,” she said, her voice a little breathy as she stopped me from babbling.
Tears formed in her eyes, and she wrapped her arms around her midriff, her lips pinching together.
I held my breath, waiting for the brush off I was certain was coming my way.
A second later, her head started to do something I hadn’t expected. She nodded.
Her trembling lips tugged into a smile before she swallowed hard, her grin broadening. Then, she said the single word I’dbeen longing to hear from her from the time we’d nearly kissed at the arcade. “Yes.”
My heart pounded so hard, I thought it would burst. “Yes?”
“Yes!” she exclaimed, a laugh mixed with a sob escaping her.
I wasn’t certain what to do, but I figured putting the ring on her finger was a good next step, so with trembling hands, I slid it on.
She beamed down at it before she flicked her happy expression my way.
I rose, still finding it hard to believe that this was happening. I wondered if I was dreaming it.
She slid a hand against my cheek. “I love you, too,” she whispered before our lips met.