The thought of dating, especially someone Louise deemed perfect, was daunting. It felt too soon, too real.
“Louise, I’m not…I’m not ready…I–”
“Just one date, Spence. One teensy-tiny little date.” She let her fingers run up my forearm before she grabbed my hand and squeezed.
Her optimism could be infectious, but it did little to alleviate the knot of fear in my stomach. The possibility of facing anotherrejection was terrifying, but I couldn’t say no to the genuine hope and excitement in Louise’s eyes.
“All right,” I muttered, my head already starting to ache at the thoughts of the uncomfortable, forced conversations and awkward moments.
Louise’s face lit up like the Fourth of July. “You won’t regret it, Spence. Wait until you meet her. She’s really something special.”
She chattered on about her and potential first dates, and I nodded along, my mind racing. What had I just agreed to?
I stood on the brink of something terrifyingly wonderful to hear Louise tell it, but maybe it would turn out just plain terrifying.
With my eye mask shoved up, I rolled over in bed as the sun rays danced through my lace curtains ruffled by the air conditioner running on full blast already. With a stretch, I smiled. I’d finally slept like the dead.
And I knew why.
Eve Dawson had me sleeping like a champ.
I’d already told Spencer about her, and he’d agreed to a date. Of course, I’d set him up on that pretty easily. He thought he was being so smart with his long list of attributes for my future partner, but he’d walked right into my sweetly spun web.
He couldn’t refuse after I agreed. And agree I did. I didn’t care what ridiculous dates I’d be going on. I’d play along until Spencer fell madly in love with Eve, and then I’d tell them the truth. I’d had my someone special already, but we’d announce that when the time was right.
With a satisfied grin, I reached for my phone and toggled into my messaging app, finding Eve’s message thread. There was something exhilarating about orchestrating happiness, like a conductor leading an orchestra to a crescendo.Good morning, sugar. You wouldn’t happen to have some time to spare for little ol’ me, would you?
I pressed the phone to my chest as I waited for a response. It didn’t take long.
Hi Lou. What did you have in mind?
With a squeal, I sent a text detailing a shopping trip before I tossed my silk duvet back and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, sliding into my high-heeled slippers before I tugged on my silk robe.
Before I could leave my bed behind, Eve answered.Oh, it sounds like a lot of fun, but I’m not much of a shopper.
I arched an eyebrow at the message. “Well, you are now, darlin’.”
I tapped the call button next to her name and pressed the phone to my ear as the line trilled. She picked up after a few rings. “Hi Louise, I–”
“Now, sugar, it’s not a problem if you’re not a shopper because I’m a good teacher.”
“Oh,” she said with a chuckle. “I just meant…I’m really not…really a going-out person.”
She couldn’t be more perfect for Spencer. “Maybe not, but you can’t sit in the house all day. The sun is shining. We’ll hit a few shops, have lunch, and you can go home and draw your blinds. I promise.”
“You’re a very persuasive person, Lou,” she answered.
“Of course, I am,” I answered. “Now, please say yes, or you’ll give me a complex.”
“All right,” she answered. “I’ll meet you at the cafe?”
“Of course. I’ve got to have my latte. See you in an hour?”