“This isn’t a joke,” he answered.
I stared down at the swirls in the black and white floor, my cheeks burning. “I know.”
“Lou is beside herself with upset, over you, over Eve. And don’t even get me started on the women you…fake dated, or whatever you did.”
“I…” I couldn’t finish the statement because I had nothing to say.
“You what? You’re a fool? An idiot? I don’t know, Spencer. I mean, I don’t know you that well, but what I do know is that when I saw Eve’s tears, and then Lou’s, I wanted to smash you in the face.”
“That’s harsh,” I said, a little worried he may do it.
“It’s the truth!” he shot back with a sigh before he scrubbed his face. “Louise just…she keeps blaming herself for this, but it’s not her fault. I think you know that. This is all on you.”
“I know,” I answered with a bob of my head. “I know I lied and–”
“You broke someone’s heart. And it’s like you don’t even care. How can you not care? You think you’re protecting yourself by pushing people away, but what you’re really doing is ensuring you end up alone. Is that what you want?”
“I…” I shrugged. “Maybe. I don’t…do well with people.”
He pulled his chin back, his eyebrows shooting up. “Seriously? Do you actually think that’s a good thing?”
“Well…I mean…it’s better than getting hurt, right?”
“Is it? Have you truly escaped that? Or are you sitting here alone in the dark being completely happy with this outcome?”
The words stung me, striking a cord deep within me. In the process of protecting my heart, I’d been the one to break it.
Every hurt I felt was at my own hands.
My gaze sank to the floor again as I realized I’d ruined so much for nothing.
Theo frowned, stepping closer. "You're hiding, Spencer. From Eve, from Louise, from everyone who cares. What are you so afraid of?"
I looked away, the truth stinging like the rain against the windows. "I'm afraid of being seen, Theo. Really seen. Because what if they see me…and then leave?"
"But what if they stay?" Theo challenged, his voice soft but firm.
Silence stretched between us for another moment.
“You need to fix this, Spencer,” Theo said, jabbing a finger at me. “I don’t want to see Lou like this. She’s hurting, and I can’t help her.
My features melted. “I don’t know where to start.”
“Maybe try being honest,” he suggested with a shrug.
The simple statement sliced at me as he pushed past me, pulling the door open. The rain pounded against my driveway as he stepped into it.
“Hey, Theo?” I called.
“Thanks,” I said with a nod. “I needed someone to tell me what a fool I’ve been.”
“Sometimes we all do,” he answered before he disappeared into the rain.
For a moment, I wondered if I’d imagined the entire thing until his taillights lit up the rainy night, and he pulled down my driveway.
I shuffled back into my living room, a new determination filling me as I grabbed my phone. My heart pounded with a mix of fear and hope. I had to face the consequences of my actions and try to rebuild the bridges I’d set fire to earlier.