I flicked my glassy eyes to Theo. “No. You’re on a date.”

“Which can wait,” Theo answered, his gaze filled with concern. “Lou, go with your friend.”

“That’s not necessary,” I answered with a shake of my head.

Louise wagged a finger at me. “Now, don’t you tell me what is necessary, and what isn’t. You are sitting on a park bench in tears. I would be remiss as your best friend if I didn’t take care of you.”

Theo rubbed Louise’s shoulders, and the simple action made me feel worse. Just seeing how perfect they were together made my heart ache. I’d really set myself up for this, though.

With a slow nod, I agreed with her. “All right,” I said softly.

As Louise’s comforting arm wrapped around me, Theo offered me an expression of concern, part reservation. My emotional turmoil had ruined their evening.

Theo pulled his keys from his pocket. “Let me drive you ladies to Eve’s.”

“I can walk,” I answered.

“Nonsense,” he said. “You just sit here, and I’ll bring the car to you.”

Louise eased me onto the bench, her arm tightly around me, protective as a mama bear as Theo disappeared around the corner. Within minutes, he pulled up in his SUV.

Louise loaded me into the back, then climbed in next to me, foregoing the passenger seat in favor of sticking close.

At least I’d ended up with a lovely best friend out of this deal.

We arrived outside of my apartment a few minutes later.

“I hope you feel better, Eve,” Theo said.

“Thanks,” I answered in a shaky breath, managing to hold myself together as we climbed out of the car.

But as I unlocked my door and pushed inside my apartment, a new wave of emotion swept over me, and I struggled to hold back my tears.

“Now, do you want some tea, or do you want to tell Auntie Louise what happened?”

I plopped onto the couch, wiping away a rogue tear that had fallen to my cheek and patted the cushion next to me. “Let’s get it over with.”

“Okay,” she said softly as she sat down and took my hands in hers. “What is it, sugar?”

I swallowed hard. “Spencer and I broke up.”

Her eyes went wide. “What? Oh, darlin’. What happened? Did you have a fight?”

I shook my head, my gaze falling to our clasped hands.

“Now, you may not think it’s fixable, but darlin’, everyone has arguments. And you’ll figure it out. You just need some time–”

“We didn’t have a fight,” I choked out.

“Then what?”

“Oh, Louise,” I said with a deep sigh, “you’re going to hate me.”

I shook my head. I had to confess everything, so this made sense. And I felt awful about it. I felt awful about everything right now, but if I lost Louise too…

It was my own fault, my mind said. I’d played fast and loose with my life and, as usual, I lost. What had I been thinking?

When I was careful, I lost. But when I tempted fate, of course, I’d lose. I didn’t have luck on my side like some people. This wasn’t a romantic comedy. We weren’t destined to fall in love and spend a lifetime together.