Eve had seen more of the real me than Lou ever had. Even with her, I’d held back a part of myself, afraid she’d find me strange, but I didn’t have to do that with Eve.

She’d seen me panicked over amusement park rides, giddy over my game, and acting silly over a card game.

But I reminded myself with a sigh, she didn’t accept me. She was stuck with me.

She’d agreed to date me until Louise found someone. She hadn’t agreed to accept me for who I was.

“She probably can’t wait to get away from me,” I said, thunder punctuating my statement.

With a shake of my head, I left the beach behind, slipping into my house just before the deluge.

It already sounded too quiet.

“You’ll get used to it,” I told myself. “You lived alone here before.”

Still, even with the storm raging outside, the inside of my place felt like a tomb.

I sank onto my couch. Typically, work would have driven me right up the stairs where I’d lose myself in lines of code, but I couldn’t think straight.

Eve’s laugh, her smile, the sparkling in her eyes haunted me. I’d lost her from the first day I met her. I’d been such a fool.

I’d assumed that she’d be like every other person I’d ever met outside of perhaps Louise. But she’d been so different.

“Maybe if you told her…” I forced the words past the lump growing in my throat. With a shake of my head, I dismissed the idea. “That’s stupid, Spencer. “

I imagined the scenario playing out.

With a grin, Eve would tell me she’d heard about Louise’s engagement. “We did it.”

“We did,” I would agree. “Louise has found her happiness.”

“Yes, she has.” Eve’s eyes lingered on mine. “So, that means we can quit with this charade.”

With my heart in my throat, I’d search for the words. “Eve, the thing is…over these last few months, I’ve…really started to like you.”

Any smile on her face would then fade. “What?”

“I…think we may have something here. You’re an amazing woman. I’ve never met anyone like you. And I’m…I think I’m in love with you. I think you’re the one.”

Eve was sweet enough that she’d likely temper the blow as she rejected me. “Aw, Spencer. You’re really great. And I’m sure you’ll find the right woman for you, but…I’m sorry, that’s not me.”

“But Eve…”

“No, Spencer. I don’t feel anything for you. I’m sorry. I think it’s best if we don’t see each other.”

And then my heart would break into a million pieces as she sent me packing.

I shifted in my seat, frustration making my muscles tense. What if I suggested that we stay friends?

My eyebrows raised as I considered this possibility. It could work. We’d still get to spend time together without the pressure of a romantic relationship. And maybe one would even develop naturally. The thought twisted my lips into a grin.

My smile faded as I realized this was as far-fetched as those ridiculous romance movies I’d watched. I was not going to getthe girl. I wasn’t that geeky billionaire who ended up with his best friend from college. I wasn’t the cocky doctor who ended up with an angel.

I was Spencer Whitaker, awkward and undeserving, especially given what I’d already done to the poor woman. I’d roped her into a fake relationship and wasted her time.

I didn’t deserve her and I wouldn’t get her, even if we started out as friends.

No, instead, I’d end up watching her fall in love with someone else. She said she wasn’t lucky in love, but with her beauty and sweet personality, that wouldn’t remain true. Someone would scoop her up, right in front of my very eyes.