“I wouldn’t be crying about it. But you were pretty obvious with those sultry stares.”

“What?” Audrey cried. “Oh, please. Look, I’m sorry that I happen to have a look that men find very sexy.” She slid her eyes sideways to me. “And why would you say that? Did he say something about me?”

“No,” I answered, satisfied that for once my date hadn’t mentioned my sister after meeting her.

“Hmm,” she murmured. “I guess he’s too much of a gentleman to do that. Anyway, so this guy came over and brought you soup?”

“Yeah,” I answered, rubbing my temples to try to alleviate my pounding head.

“Well, I guess that makes sense. He doesn’t have anything to lose here. He’s already married, so you don’t really stand a chance.”

“They’re getting a divorce,” I retorted.

“Yeah,” Audrey answered as she flipped through stations. “Sure, they are. This reads like the script of a rom-com, and you know what happens in those, right?” She focused on me. “The third wheel loses every time. Everyone roots for the couple to realize their marriage is the best thing that’s ever happened to them.”

I fought the tears burning my eyes at her words. I tried to cover them by blowing my nose before I said, “You know, Audrey, I’m really tired. I’m going to take a nap if you don’t mind.”

“Aww, did I hurt your widdle feelings? You know what’s going to hurt worse? Getting dumped by Spencer Whitaker when he inevitably realizes he loves his wife. I’m just trying to help you before you get hurt.”

She had a point, and her words sliced at my heart like a knife.

My sister slapped the couch on either side of her before she rose. “I’m going to leave you here to your delusions. Call me if you want to talk sense anytime soon.”

She sauntered to the door, slamming it behind her as she left. I didn’t even react, slowly sliding my eyes closed instead. My sister had a point, and she wasn’t wrong.

She’d just said all the things I’d been concerned about. And even if she was wrong about him falling for Louise, she’d likely steal him from me.

I couldn’t stand visiting her at his house as she sipped Cristal poolside and he pandered to her. The very thought turned my stomach.

If they started dating, I’d move to another city. Maybe in Alaska.

I grabbed the remote, ready to shut the television off before I shook my head and returned toMystic Realms. I grabbed the controller Spencer left behind and rubbed my thumb over one of the rounded buttons.

I tried to focus on playing another quest, but it only reminded me of my conflicted feelings for Spencer. With a heavy sigh, I shut the game off and grabbed my phone.

My thumbs hovered over the keyboard before I tossed it away, feeling ridiculous to send him a text, as though he could see inside my heart and knew how I felt.

I snatched it again and typed out a simple message, thanking him for the soup again and apologizing for falling asleep.

As I sent the message on its way, another knock sounded at the door. My shoulders slumped. I didn’t have the energy for Audrey again.

Still, I dragged myself off the couch as the persistent knocking continued. With my mouth hanging open due to my stuffy nose, I tugged the door open, my features shifting as I spotted a sunglasses-clad Louise with her arms full.

“Hi, darlin’! Now, it’s not homemade soup, but I’ve got all the essentials. Chocolate chip cookies, donuts, brownies, and pizza.And I’ve also brought 13 Going on 30, and a few other movies we can enjoy.”

She closed the door behind herself as she paraded into my living room. “Now, I almost booked a therapeutic massage, but I thought you may not be up for it.”

“Thank you, Louise. You thought right. I’m still pretty sick. I can’t wait for the medicine to kick in.” I settled on the couch again with my blanket as Louise slid the pizza onto the coffee table and set down the other goodies.

“The pizza will help.”

“How was your date?” I asked as she pulled a slice of the pie from the box, cheese strings snapping as she did, and placed it on a plate.

“Oh, a bust.” She gave me a dismissive wave. “But that’s no big deal. How was your night with Spencer?”

The grin on her face looked almost conspiratorial as she handed off the pizza.

“Oh, umm, nice. Uh, I fell asleep while he was getting me oyster crackers.” I rolled my eyes.