“Okay, so, what’s next?”

“Well, we should do a quest, and then build you a little house, maybe near mine.”

“That sounds good.”

We spent another two hours talking and laughing as we solved the mini mystery involving missing rubies and secured a piece of land next to my house on a parcel of land I traded to her for a ruby.

Our conversation flowed easily again as I hacked down trees while Eve refined them into logs for her new cabin. We built the frame, then I gifted her a few items to fill the inside.

After all the work, our little avatars plopped down on the couch I’d bought her, much like our real-life counterparts.

“Whew, that was hard work,” she said with a laugh.

“But I hope fun,” I answered as she reached for a bottle of Tylenol.

“Definitely. Maybe I’ll try another quest tomorrow if I’m feeling up to it.”

I nodded, wondering if I’d overstayed my welcome. Should I bow out now or…

“Can I get you anything else?”

“I hate to be a pain, but some of those oyster crackers you brought would be nice to get these pills moving.”

“Of course,” I said, climbing from my seat as she downed the last of the cold medicine.

I collected the sticky ice cream bowls and shuttled them into the kitchen, washing them quickly before I grabbed the oyster crackers.

When I returned to the living room, I found Eve asleep on the couch.

I carefully returned the noisy bag to the kitchen so I wouldn’t wake her, adjusted her blanket, and then left her a note to tell her I hoped she felt better.

As I set it on the coffee table, I glanced at Eve, a mix of warmth and regret coursing through me. I’d had a lovely evening again. It would be a shame when this all came crashing down around me. But it would. And I would lose everything.



Bright light streamed into my small living room as I opened my eyes, wincing as I stretched my stiff neck. I glanced around, desperately trying to recall why I was sleeping on the couch. My burning throat, scratchy and sore as I swallowed reminded me of my cold.

With a groan, I sat up, hoping the pain relievers I was about to down would take away my achy joints and my sore throat.

As I reached for the bottle, I caught sight of the white paper, stark against the marred cherry wood of my coffee table.

Memories of the previous night flooded back into my mind. I’d spent it with Spencer playing Mystic Realms. After being pampered with homemade soup and a bowl of ice cream delivered straight to my couch, we’d spent hours working on a quest, then building a little cabin for me in his virtual world.

The time had flown, and I’d almost forgotten how awful I felt. Spending time with Spencer had done me a world of good.

Suddenly, I realized I felt different–more genuine–with him than in any of my past fleeting relationships. It wasn’t just the soup or the game, it was a sense of being understood and appreciated.

I slid my eyes closed before I read the note, my fingers lingered on the cool paper. And then I’d fallen asleep just as he was about to bring me the oyster crackers I’d requested.

“Smooth, Eve, real smooth.”

My raspy voice reminded me even more of my illness. I must have looked awful when I’d opened the door. A far cry from the carefully put together image Louise always made sure I was before a date with Spencer.

I wondered if I’d ever hear from him again. It didn’t matter, I convinced myself as I pulled his note closer. We were only fake dating, anyway. He had no interest in me.

And that made my heart ache.