He sucked in a breath and nodded. “Right. Well, I can’t imagine it wouldn’t.”
Amusement crossed my features, twisting my lips into a grin. “Ohhh, Spence, you like her!”
Color rose into his cheeks as he shook his head, not denying it. “We should talk about your date. Is that what had you staring at your phone earlier?”
I recalled the sweet message from Theo about how he missed me and couldn’t wait to see me. He asked about Spencer’s progress–another reason I desperately wanted to ensure their relationship was moving along.
I needed Spencer to be happy before I could really enjoy my relationship with Theo. Until then, I still felt like I was sneaking around behind my husband’s back.
With a flutter of my eyelashes, I nodded and lied. “Yep. Just confirming things.”
“The White Horse is nice. Looks like Justin may have earned himself some points.”
I nodded, sliding my phone behind my back. “Sure. It’s private, seems like he wants to get to know me. You know, not just a hook-up.”
Spencer smiled, hope floating in his eyes. “You know, this one was Eve-approved. She picked him, but I still don’t understand why.”
A twinge of guilt swept through me over my little white lies. “Well, he’s cute, he looks honest, sweet.”
His eyebrows pinched again, his confusion obvious. “I really don’t understand women at all.”
I rolled my eyes at him. “Oh, Spencer, most women aren’t attracted to perfect tens.”
“You could have fooled me. Don’t you women all love chiseled jaws and bulging muscles?”
I doubled over with laughter at his innocence. “No, of course not.”
“Really? Because women are always ogling those types. Like the Chippendales.”
A snort escaped me as my laughter intensified. “For eye candy, sure. But we aren’t lining up to marry a Chippendale, Spence. Honestly, sometimes you really make me laugh.”
A corner of his lips pulled back. I could almost see the wheels turning in his mind as he tried to assess the information, likely wondering if Eve found him attractive and if they could move forward. I hope it gave him plenty to think about and encouraged him to move things forward.
His phone chimed, and he tugged it from his pocket, any trace of a grin erased in an instant as he glanced at the screen.
“What is it?” I asked.
He heaved a sigh and shook his head. “Well, looks like I have some time to ponder that kiss.”
He flashed his phone toward me, showcasing the message from Eve. My heart sank at the words on his screen.Hey, so sorry to do this last minute, but I’m really sick. Summer cold. Can we postpone? I’m so sorry!!
“Oh, no, Spencer!” I said, my voice tinged with upset.
“Yep,” he said, his voice deflated.
He had been looking forward to the date, no matter what he’d said about being nervous. He was crushed.
“Oh, darlin’…” I pressed my lips together and shook my head. “Wait, I’m going to call her.”
“Why?” His features devolved into surprise and confusion. “Oh, you think she’s lying. I’m not surprised. I bet she just wants a night off from me.”
“No,” I said with a shake of my head as I found her name on my phone. “No, Eve wouldn’t do that.”
He didn’t look like he believed me as I turned on my speakerphone and the line trilled.
“Maybe we shouldn’t call–” he started when the line clicked and Eve’s tired voice answered.
“Hey, Lou.”