“Lou, it wouldn’t be long. You know how these things go. The media will be onto another story in no time. It would just be–”

“I said no,” she snapped before her eyes met mine. “Spencer, can I speak with you privately?”

“Sure,” I said, shifting my weight again as my gaze flicked between Louise and Eve.

“Now, don’t you go away, darlin’. Spencer and I will be right back.” Louise clamped a hand onto my arm and dragged me from the room.

We stopped in the hallway outside of the living room. Louise shot a glance over my shoulder before she set her hands on her hips, a scowl on her features.

“I know,” I said with a nod. “This is–”

“Your way of wheedling out of another date, isn’t it? Spencer Whitaker, as I live and breathe, you are a coward.”

My features crinkled, confusion rising in me. “What?”

“You are trying to make sure you get out of the next date with Eve. You’re afraid. Afraid of your feelings, or the kiss you should be giving her, or both.”

“That’s not…Lou, there is a crisis going on. I just think laying low for a while may be the best.”

“Which is code for you to not date Eve, either. You’re postponing my next date, and then you’ll say, ‘Well, since you’re not dating, I’m not dating.’”

“I didn’t…that’s not…no,” I said with a shake of my head. “This isn’t about logistics, it’s about your well-being.”

I wanted to shield her from the prying eyes that couldn’t understand the scars her mother had left.

She arched her eyebrows high. “Really? So, then you’ll set up a date with Eve before she leaves tonight?”

“I could…though I really think me hitting the town with another woman may be a horrible thing right now.”

“Oh my word!” she exclaimed. “You really are using this to get out of dating Eve.”

“I’m not,” I answered, though she’d brought up some pretty good points.

I wasn’t looking forward to the kiss with Eve, and I would inevitably need to orchestrate that in order to keep things moving along in Louise’s eyes.

It wasn’t because I thought it would be unpleasant, quite the opposite. I worried I may connect with her a little more, and my heart couldn’t handle that.

Plus, I worried about pushing things too far with Eve. How much more would this woman take before she decided to call the whole thing off?

“Aren’t you? Because you are dancing all around it. All right, fine. If you don’t want to be seen on the town with her, have a private dinner here. Candlelight, champagne, a walk on the beach, that kiss you’ve been avoiding.”

“Lou,” I growled in a low voice, “that may be a little awkward with my wife wandering around.”

Louise clicked her tongue at me. “First of all, I’m your wife in name only, and Eve knows that. Second, I will leave the house, obviously.”

“You can’t. And then you’re seen alone somewhere? That wouldn’t look very good.”

Louise heaved a sigh before she smacked my arm hard.

“Ow,” I said as I recoiled. “Stop hitting me. I’m trying to protect you.”

“And I’m trying to live my life. No, the dating will not stop. Bring on date number two. I’m ready. Those vultures wouldn’t have the nerve to ask me who I’m out with.”

“I’m not so sure about that–”

“Don’t argue with me, Spencer. We’ve already had enough of a setback with the trip to Savannah. I am not about to risk another.”

I heaved a sigh as I flicked my gaze away from her. “I just think this is a bad time for us to be seen dating other people.”