“I don’t think so. He was far too aggressive. I would have fled.”

I eyed her. “Are you…afraid of love, Eve?”

She poked at the green leafy lettuce on her plate. “No. Just unlucky in it.”

I stared at her until she lifted her gaze to me. “What about with Spencer?”

She opened her mouth to respond, her words slow as though she couldn’t find them.

The way her features pinched a little told me it was complicated for some reason. But what was that reason?

She licked her lips and shrugged. “Too soon to tell.”

“But…is there promise there?”

She swallowed hard, reaching for her wine glass. “Uh, yeah. Of course.”

I grinned at her, relieved to hear that, though something plagued me at the back of my mind. There was something wrong here, and I didn’t know what.

We finished our meal and settled on the couch with another glass of wine. I pulled the jeweler’s bag closer as we settled in. “Eve, I have a gift for you. I hope you’ll accept it.”

I pulled the jewelry boxes from inside the bag and set them between us. “Open ‘em!”

Her features crinkled as she set her wine glass aside and opened both boxes. Her expression melted as she pulled the bracelets from the velvet background. “Are these friendship bracelets?”

I bobbed my head, setting my wine aside, too. “Uh-huh. I got a sapphire for you. A ruby for me, but we both have the Besties charm and coffee cup to symbolize where we met.”

“Lou, that’s so sweet,” she answered.

Emotions bubbled up inside me—the fear I’d experienced this morning when I thought she wasn’t coming, the fight we’d had in Savannah and the gut-wrenching feeling I’d had after it.

Tears welled in my eyes. “Eve…”

“Louise?” Her features pinched as she reached for my hand. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

“I just…I know I’m needy, and demanding, and so many other things. But I just…I needed you to know what you meant tome. I…I’ve never had a friend like you, and I’m terrified that I’m going to lose you.”

“No,” she said with a shake of her head. “No, you won’t.”

“I almost did. That kiss with Spencer–”

“Was a huge misunderstanding,” she answered. “And most of what happened was my fault. I wouldn’t listen to you.”

I shook my head as a tear fell to my cheek. “No, because… because I’m…I’m too much. I’m overbearing and hard to take and–”

“Lou,” she interrupted, taking both my hands in hers, “you are none of those things.”

“But I am. I made you buy those dresses, and those sunglasses, and date Spencer, and then I dragged you to Savannah, and then today. And I…I…” My breath caught in my throat as I nearly went into a panic, unable to catch my breath.

“Louise,” she said, her voice soft, “Louise…you’re getting all worked up over nothing. You didn’t make me do anything. I love those sunglasses, and I never would have bought them without your encouragement. I’ve never really shopped much for myself. I don’t even know how to do it, but with your help, I may look a little more than functional.

“And you’re not any of the things you said. You’re generous and you’re so…brave and outgoing. And I’m none of those things. So, you can help me to be brave, and I can help you…well, I probably can’t so it looks like I should be the one apologizing.”

“Not at all, darlin’,” I said, my features pinching. “You’re just the best little friend a girl could have. You’re just so sweet and kind. You put up with all of me. And you help me feel better. You ground me.”

“Well, there you have it, then.” Eve raised our bracelets in the air. “We help each other because we’re different. That’s why we’re so perfect as best friends.”

“Do you mean that?”