“Yes, I’d love some. I didn’t sleep much either.”

“I’ll grab us some,” she said as she rose.

“Oh, I could go. You stay with Louise.”

“No, you’d better stay…I don’t think I could handle her mother as well as you do in case she turns up.”

I winced at the words. “Oh, please. Don’t tempt fate.”

Eve offered me a tired, but amused smile. “I’ll be right back.”

“Oh, do you mind grabbing a cookie? I’m starving. Chocolate chip if they have it.”

“Coffee and cookies coming right up,” she said with a raise of her chin.

As she disappeared from the room, I slid my hand into Louise’s. “Well, Lou, time for you to wake up. Everything’s okay. Eve is back…at least for you. I’ve probably ruined things already, but…your friend still cares about you. Now, come on. It’s time to wake up.”

I patted her hand, hoping my words had some power to wake her, but she laid quietly, her heartbeat still rhythmic.

I stared up at the monitor, watching the spikes that marked her heartbeat. After a second, I noticed a marked increase in the beeps and spikes. I flicked my gaze to Louise, rising as I stared at her. “Lou?”

Her eyelashes fluttered open, and she let her gaze slide around the room. “Spence?” she squeaked in a weak voice.

“I’m here, Lou. You’re okay. Your mom drugged you, but you’re going to be okay.”

“Mama? She…” Louise’s features pinched as terror crossed her eyes. “Eve. Where is Eve? We have to find Eve. She never came home. She’s out there all alone.”

Louise sat up, flinging back the covers as she swung her legs over the hospital bed.

“No, Lou,” I tried, grabbing her arms from behind as she tried to stand.

“Spencer, we have to find her. She’s so hurt after what she saw. Poor Eve. I have to explain. I have to tell her.”

“No, Lou,” I tried again as she fought me.

The raw panic in her made her stronger than I expected, and she tore away from me. But before she could rip the IV from her arm, a voice interrupted.

Eve appeared in the doorway, waving a bag and a coffee. “They didn’t have chocolate chip, but they had chocolate chunk, so I thought that was close–Louise! You’re awake.”

“Eve?” She collapsed on the edge of the bed, her face as white as a sheet.

Eve grinned at her as she dumped our coffees and the cookies onto the hospital table. “I’m so glad to see you up.”

“I’m so glad to see you,” Louise said, her voice filled with a sob. “Oh, darlin’, I’ve been so worried. You just ran off, and I–”

“It’s okay,” Eve said as a tear spilled onto Louise’s cheek.

She eased on the edge of the bed, taking Louise’s hand in hers. “It’s okay, Lou. Spencer explained everything. I’m so sorry that we argued, and even more sorry that I thought the worst of the two of you.”

Louise’s features twisted with relief before she flung her arms around Eve. “Oh, sugar, it’s not your fault. I’m just glad you’re back and safe. And really glad you’re still my friend.”

“You need her,” I said. “She’s the one who caught your miserable mother so we could stop her before she nullified our marriage and had you committed.”

“What?” Louise pulled away from Eve, her eyes wide. “I knew Mama would do something like this.”

“Don’t worry, we stopped her. Thanks to Eve.”

“Oh, darlin’, I owe you.”