Her breathing, still labored, hitched as she fiddled with her phone, her hands shaking. A video popped on, showing a slightly open door. Disembodied voices floated in the air.
I recognized Constance’s voice. As the video played through, detailing the malevolent plan to steal Louise’s inheritance, my fingers curled into fists. “I can’t believe this.”
“Me either. I mean, Louise’s mother didn’t seem friendly at all, but this is downright evil. We have to do something.”
I rose to pace the floor, my mind spinning in a thousand directions. I retrieved my phone from my pocket. “I’m calling my attorney.”
Moments later, we were heading for a chauffeured car I’d arranged, Eve’s recording in hand and the police contacted as per my attorney’s advice.
We slid into the supple leather seats, the upscale luxury providing little comfort to me as we headed for the attorney’s office.
Next to me, Eve fidgeted in her seat, her fingers tight around her phone as she chewed her lower lip. I wanted to reach out and take her hand, to provide her some comfort–and to receive a little, too, but I realized the gesture would likely be rebuffed.
She’d been so focused on Louise’s predicament, we hadn’t had the chance to discuss the incident at all. I tried to find my voice as we snaked through the streets, but I couldn’t.
Instead, I sat there, silently admiring how, even after spotting Louise kissing her so-called boyfriend, she’d still snapped into action to save her.
Many women would have allowed Louise to suffer, considering it just desserts.
Not Eve. And Louise and I had crushed her with our silly practice kiss.
I decided to brave it and try to broach the subject, but the car eased to a stop next to a sign swinging in the breeze, announcing our destination.
A police cruiser sat in front of our car. The officers climbed out as we did, and we met in front of the walk leading to the building.
Eve showed them the video, and we proceeded inside.
A pert blonde sat behind an oversized desk as we stormed through the door.
“I need to see my wife, Louise,” I insisted.
“Oh, Mrs. Montgomery and Ms. Montgomery are with Mr. Harwood and cannot be disturbed.”
I flicked my gaze to the double doors behind her. “Are they in there?”
I stepped around her desk, heading for the doors.
“Sir, you can’t go in there,” she called after me.
“Watch me,” I said as Eve scurried behind me.
I shoved the doors open and burst into the conference room. “Stop this farce right now.”
Constance leapt to her feet, anger burning in her eyes. “What is the meaning of this, Mr. Whitaker?”
Louise sat, her chin nearly on her chest, her shoulders slumped.
“I have the same question for you. Officers, that’s her. That’s the woman on the video. I want her arrested.”
Constance’s eyes went wide. “What? Arrested for what? You’re the one who should be arrested. You took advantage of my poor, sweet little Lou-Lou. You married her to steal her money.”
“I did not. I’m not the one drugging her to steal it back.”
She settled her arms across her chest. “I have no idea to what you are referring, Mr. Whitaker, but I would suggest you leave before I sue you for slander. Jonathan, I trust you are getting all this down.”
“Every word, Constance, every word.”
“It’s not slander if it’s true,” Eve said.