I gave him a wry glance. “Spencer Whitaker, you like this woman. And you will not screw it up. Did you kiss her?”

“That’s not…information you need to know.”

I sucked in a shocked gasp. “You did, didn’t you? Spence, you devil.”

“I didn’t, okay? I…was afraid she’d expected it, and she made the goodbye very easy, so I didn’t.”

I clicked my tongue, my nose wrinkling at the detail. I had really hoped they’d have had a magical kiss to finish their night off.

Spencer shifted his weight again, avoiding my gaze.

“Did you at least want to kiss her?” I raised my eyebrows, hoping to hear an affirmative.

“Well…I…wouldn’t have turned her down.”

I squealed, delight boiling over as I clapped my hands again. “Oh, yay! Spence, this is excellent. See, I told you that you’d like her. Now, I’ve already got some really great ideas for your second date.”

My mind whirled as I planned ahead, trying to maximize the romantic element to ensure that perfect first kiss. I imagined a seaside setting, the surf at sunset, the salty air, and their lips meeting.

“Uh, can we…talk about the second date tomorrow?” Spencer rubbed the back of his neck as he shifted again.

I glanced up at him. The delay would give me time to plan more, but why was he so interested in putting it off? “Well, do we have time? When are you seeing her again?”

“I, uh…”

“Oh,” I moaned, my disappointment obvious, “you didn’t set anything up, did you?”

“I’ll text her.”

“Fine,” I said with a nod. “Text her now.”

“No, that’s…bad manners. What if she’s asleep?”

“Then she’ll wake up to a lovely message showing her how interested you are.”

He slid his phone from his pocket and nodded. “Okay.”

“Tell me what you’re sending.”

“How’s Monday?” he read aloud as he typed.

I snatched the phone from his hands. “Give me that. Here’s what you say. ‘I had a lovely time tonight, Eve. I’m really looking forward to our next date. How is Sunday?’”

“Sunday’s a weird day–”

“Sunday is a fine day, and it’s too late, I sent it.” I handed his phone back to him. “You’re welcome.”

He slid it into his pocket with a nod. “Thanks. We’ll talk tomorrow. Oh, and you’ll have to prepare for your first date, because I should have someone for you soon. Good night, Lou.”

“Night, darlin’.” I slouched on my cushion, a grin on my face. Things were going well. I didn’t even care about the date he threatened. I’d handle it easily. What excited me was Spencer’s progress.

I spent the night pleased with myself, sleeping well and rising early the next morning with a spring in my step. My first order of business was to text Eve. I set up a date with her for a spa treatment today before I dressed and headed downstairs, finding the kitchen empty.

Spencer was probably avoiding me, but that was just fine. I’d let him work through his kinks and come back with a full plan for their second date.

I left the house behind, enjoying the lovely sunshine as I drove to Eve’s. She met me outside, sliding into my passenger seat.

I grinned at her, raising a shoulder. “Thanks for coming with me. We have so much to gab about. I can’t wait to dive in, but let’s save it for the spa, shall we?”