After that, we’d talked nonstop via text, learning more and more about each other. I’d been upfront about my situation, and, after struggling with my guilt, realized my hold back was leaving Spencer all alone after he’d been so wonderful to me.
I’d set my plan in motion with Theo’s full support–although he had agreed to wait for me, he’d fully admitted it would be difficult because he expected the process to take much longer.
“Remember, though, this is just one date.”
“I know. I wonder if he’ll try to dodge a second one.”
“I wouldn’t put it past the little polecat. But look how much he likes her. He’s blushing.”
Theo toyed with a strand of my hair. “I’m just suggesting you may want a backup in case he does his duty with one date then begs out of any others.”
My features settled into a frown. “Eve is my backup. I’m going to insist. Plus, he’s got this idea that he’s going to find someone for me, so I’ll use it as leverage.”
I felt Theo tense against my back. “You haven’t told him about us?”
“No…I guess it felt like a betrayal. And he’d have just wished me well, crawled under that rock he loves so much, and stayed there. I had to do it this way.”
“Hmm, well, I trust you. And I hope this works.”
“My plan will not fail. I know it.”
We stayed cozy in each other’s arms until Spencer and Eve left the restaurant behind. After a long kiss goodnight, and the promise to see each other tomorrow, we parted ways. I headed home, hoping to beat Spencer, but that kiss I shared with Theo may have cost me.
I pulled in, finding his car still missing. I raced into the house, hoping he wouldn’t feel the warmth from my engine when he rolled in.
I kicked off my shoes, sweeping them under the rug as I tugged on my robe. With my fuzzy slippers on my feet, I plopped on the couch and turned on the television just as Spencer opened the front door.
I stared up at the screen as though I’d been completely enthralled by it as Spencer called in from the foyer. “I’m home.”
“Oh? I didn’t even hear you,” I said, clicking off the television as he shuffled into the living room. “How did it go?”
“It was fine,” he said, his hands shoved into his pockets.
From what I’d seen, it had been more than fine. He was downplaying it.
I patted the cushion next to me. “Sit down and tell me all about it.”
“I’m really pretty tired. All that socializing…it really wears on me.”
I sucked in a sharp breath before I shook my head at him. “I guess I’ll just have to get all the details from Eve tomorrow.”
“There’s no need for that,” he said, shifting his weight from foot to foot.
“Well, you’re not giving me any information.”
“There’s no information to give,” he insisted. “I just…we had a nice time. Eve was very nice, and we had a nice time.”
“Yeah, you said that twice, darlin’. Sounds…nice.”
He huffed at me. “I can’t think, my brain is melted after that social interaction.”
“Are you going to see her again?”
He licked his lips, and I wondered if he was going to try to dodge another date as Theo had suggested. “Maybe.”
I couldn’t contain my excitement as I bounced on the couch, clapping my hands. “Spencer! That’s fantastic.”
“Just…I…don’t get so excited. Just because it wasn’t a total disaster doesn’t mean I won’t find a way to screw it up later.”