“Is that a complaint I hear?”
He chuckled as he shifted in his seat. “Not at all, but I thought this was all off-limits because of the whole…husband situation.”
I raised my binoculars and directed his attention to the window across the lawn. Theo arched an eyebrow, offering me a sassy glance before he lined up the spyglasses and peered through them. “Ohhh, so hubs is out on a date, huh?”
“He is,” I said as I rubbed his shoulders before I leaned my chin against my hands. “Isn’t it fabulous?”
He leaned back in his seat. “How’d you manage that?”
I lifted my chin, an amused expression on my features. “Magic.”
“Mmm, you are magic,” he said as he leaned closer and stole a kiss from me. As we parted, he screwed up his face. “Why are you sitting out here in a cabana with binoculars, though? It feels…kind of stalker-ish.”
“It’s not,” I protested with a playful smack of his knee. I lifted the binoculars to peer through the window again, catching Spencer actually smiling. “I just…want to keep tabs on things. Spencer’s…”
“Awkward?” Theo asked.
“Oh, stop,” I said with another swat. “He’s sweet. He just needs the right woman. I’m just…monitoring to make sure this goes the way I hope. Looks good so far, though.”
Theo grabbed the binoculars, his curiosity piqued as he glanced through them. “Oh, yeah, they’re both smiling. Looks like they’re having a great time.”
My eyes rose to the roof of the cabana as I clasped my hands together. “Oh, I just knew it.”
“So, where’d you find her?”
“You’ll never guess.” I proceeded to explain to him how Eve had sweetly offered her chocolate eclair to me, and we’d become fast friends. “And I just knew in my heart of hearts that this wasthe woman for Spencer. She’s just…she’s perfect. She has the right mindset, the right attitude, the right interests. And she’s so sweet. She didn’t flutter one of those ridiculously long eyelashes at any of my drama, so I knew she could handle Spencer’s quirks.”
“Well, this is sure progress, Lou-Lou. I didn’t think you’d ever pry him away from that keyboard of his and get him out in person.”
“Now, sugar, I told you I would. And when I set my mind to something, well, I’m going to do it.”
He pulled me closer, planting another kiss on my lips. “And I am so glad for that perseverance because, let me tell you, not kissing you until you’d gotten your husband on a date was really difficult.”
“Oh, was it?” I said playfully.
“Uh-huh,” he answered before another smooch.
I pressed his chest, pushing him back a little. “Now, as much as I love all this loving, I have really got to pay attention here.”
“Well,” he said as he rose and skirted around me, shoving me over to swap seats, “then I guess I’ll just get comfortable.”
I settled back against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. With a perfect view of the date, wrapped in the arms of the man I loved, the night was turning out perfectly.
I absentmindedly traced the length of his forearm as I watched the date unfold. Spencer smiled and laughed more than I ever expected. As they finished up their meal and the waiter cleared their plates, the dessert I’d ordered earlier arrived.
With a smile, I patted myself on the back for a job well done.
“Wow, they’re going for dessert,” Theo said behind me as he laid a cheek on my head. “That’s a good sign.”
“Actually, I ordered that ahead of time to be delivered. I figured they could use the extra push.”
“Ohhhh, so you’re like a fairy godmother?”
“Better. I’m like a sassy Southern cupid.” I grinned as I lifted a shoulder.
“Right,” he said. “Well, I’m very glad you know what you’re doing, because I have to confess, I was a little nervous when you said we needed to wait until Spencer was dating. I thought that was code for never.”
“Now, darlin’, you know how I feel about you. I wasn’t shy.” A smile spread across my features as I recalled meeting Theo at a charity gala I’d attended solo. We’d hit it off easily and chatted the night away.