“Just be yourself,” I told him, earning another grimace.
“Because that’s worked out well so far with dating.”
“Spencer, sometimes you have to take a chance on things working out, you know?”
I added one final statement, leaning closer. “You always say you trust my judgment. Well, trust me on this. Eve might just be the one to prove us both wrong about your doomed romantic endeavors.”
He didn’t answer, signaling the end of the conversation. He was exhausted already just thinking about the socialization he’d do, but I was certain it wouldn’t be as bad as he imagined. He and Eve would hit it off so well, he’d find it effortless.
I left him to his own thoughts for better or worse for the rest of the evening and the better part of the next day.
As the time approached, I wrapped myself in my fluffy robe and slid on my cuddly slippers and parked myself on the couch.
Spencer appeared moments later, his posture stiff as he stood in front of me. “Well? Am I approved to go?”
I gave him the once over followed by a nod. “You look great. She’s just going to fall right in love with you.”
He shifted his weight, sliding a hand into his pocket before he pulled it out and hopped to the other foot. “Well, I guess…I better go.”
The he shot me a glance that seemed to beg that I’d tell him it was all a big joke, and he could happily change clothes and play his game all night.
“Yep,” I answered. “Don’t want to be late.”
“What are you going to do?” he asked.
“Oh, just…put on a rom-com and…relax. Maybe drink some wine, pop some popcorn. Wait for you to get back and tell me all about your date.”
He swallowed hard, the tension rising in him at the mention of the date.
“Go on, darlin’. Have fun.”
He swallowed hard, lingering for another moment in front of me before he murmured a goodbye and shuffled from the room. A moment later, the door banged shut. His car’s engine roared to life and the sound gradually faded away.
The moment I no longer heard it, I leapt from my seat and tore off my robe, revealing my cocktail dress underneath. I kicked the slippers aside and grabbed the shoes I’d hidden under the couch earlier.
Hopping on one foot, I tugged one on, then the other before I tossed the throw pillow aside and grabbed the purse I’d stowed. Ihad no intention of sitting at home. I’d already arranged a space where I’d have a perfect view of Spencer and Eve’s first date.
I planned to keep tabs on them so I could adjust their next date accordingly. After a quick check in the mirror near the door, I fluffed my hair and headed out to my car.
I planned to make it to the club well before Spencer. I’d scoped out a cabana in the pool area where I could hide and have a great view of Spencer’s table by the window.
After I arrived at the club and tossed my keys at the parking attendant, I hurried to the comfortable poolside space. A Benjamin Franklin slipped to one of the staff ensured I wouldn’t be bothered, and I’d even have a glass of wine to enjoy as I watched the show.
I chewed my lower lip as I pulled my mini binoculars from my handbag and set them on the window. Two empty chairs.
With a sigh, I lowered them and accepted the glass of wine the waiter brought. As I sipped it, I spotted movement in the restaurant. I grabbed the binoculars again and raised them.
A squeal escaped my grinning lips as I spotted Spencer sliding Eve’s chair in behind her before he sat down across from her. “Good job, Spence, way to be a gentleman.”
Their lips moved, but I couldn’t figure out what they were saying. I should have bugged the table. I wondered if I could ask that waiter to call my phone and leave his near the table.
I pulled the binoculars down, considering it when a familiar cologne enveloped me, and hands gently covered my eyes. A chill ran down my spine, not from fear, but from the thrill of the unexpected.
"Guess who?" a voice whispered, one that I'd know anywhere.