“Come on, darlin’, we’ve got shopping to do.”
I asked the attendant to give us two separate bags, and we left the store behind each with a purchase dangling from our fingertips.
“Now, Louise, I’m drawing the line at this. I shouldn’t have even let you buy this one, but I didn’t want to have an argument in the store.”
“Good,” I said as I pranced down the sidewalk. “You’re learning. If you want to avoid another argument, you’ll let me buy you shoes and another dress. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure we pick shoes you can wear at least twice.”
She was growing frustrated with me. I would be interested to see how she dealt with it since Spencer could sometimes be frustrating, too.
She huffed out a sigh as her shorter legs worked hard to keep up with my long strides. I stopped walking, spinning to face her. “Sugar, I have more money than I will ever need. And I like spoiling my friends. Now, that’s just part of being friends with Louise Montgomery-Whitaker. It comes with the package. And it’s all-or-nothing.”
I set my hand on my hip and lifted my chin.
She gave me what looked like a pout, but it was so innocent, I could have pinched her cheeks. “Oh, Louise…”
I grinned at her and looped my arm through hers, tugging her along to the next shop. We spent the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon picking out a cute little dress and a pair of shoes. Eve tried to be choosy, but she ended up picking exactly what I wanted for her.
I insisted she wear the second dress out of the store to our first lunch together.
She objected when I ordered cocktails, but I insisted. Day-drinking was another thing rich folks loved to do, and I wanted her prepared for it.
We had a ball over our lunch, talking about our rather difficult families–though mine took the cake over hers–future hopes, dream dates and more.” I gathered some intel on what I’d suggest to Spencer based off of what she shared.
As the bill arrived, the little sneak tried to toss her credit card on it, but I was too fast for her. I snatched the bill away and handed it off to the cute waiter with my own card.
“Now, that was a very naughty thing to do, Eve.” I wagged my finger at her.
“Let me at least pay my share,” she said with slumped shoulders.
“Uh-uh, this was my treat. And don’t you even think about telling me you’ll stop lunching with me because of this,” I warned.
After the waiter returned with my card, I repacked my purse. “Did you drive?”
“No,” she said with a shake of her head. “I walked. I don’t live too far.”
“Well, let me drive you.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“Actually, I have an ulterior motive. I have got the most darling pair of earrings that I never wear, and they would go perfectly with your new dress. We’ll swing by my place and take a look at them.”
“I assume this is another non-negotiable part of the friendship?” Eve asked as we stood.
“You catch on quick, darlin’,” I said with a grin.
We made the short walk to my car, slid in, and soon were pulling up to Spencer’s beachside home.
“What do you think?” I asked as I dragged her to the door.
“Right on the beach. That’s nice.”
I grinned. If everything went right, she’d be living here. We pushed inside, and I took her to the living room.
“Wow, what a view.”
“Uh-huh. Make yourself comfortable. I’ll grab the earrings.” I disappeared from the room in search of Spencer. I found himhovering in the hall, peering into the living room.Good. He was interested.
“There you are. Go say hello.”