With the plan set in motion, I sucked in deep breaths, hoping my knees didn’t buckle before I had to use them to beg Eve to come back.
My mind conjured the image of the tiny arcade game we’d left for Eve at the host stand of the club. I wondered if she’d recall that special moment between us when we’d played Street Fighter or how loudly she’d laughed when she’d beat me at the racing game.
I hoped she didn’t throw it to the ground and stomp on it the moment she saw it.
Louise had told her that this was a treasure hunt to her future, alluding that it had to do with their friendship and not our relationship, but I still worried.
A text sounded on Louise’s phone, and I held my breath as I waited to see if Eve had figured it out and was returning to her apartment or not.
A picture appeared of the tiny arcade game laying in Eve’s palm.
“She got it,” Louise exclaimed, hopping on her toes as she texted her the next clue.
A few moments stretched before Eve sent a response.Got it! I know where to go!
Her second stop had been the restaurant where Louise had her first date where she’d find a miniature soup bowl, symbolizing the night we’d spent playingMystic Realmsand eating chicken soup when she’d been sick.
I waited, my heart in my throat, until an image of it appeared, and Louise sent the next clue.
We guided her from location to location as she picked up a miniature teddy bear, symbolic of the one I’d won her, a tiny lighthouse, and a miniature teacup that reminded me of the ride we’d shared at the amusement park.
“Last clue. She’ll be here soon.” Louise grinned up at me, but I couldn’t match her enthusiasm.
Instead, my stomach twisted as my knees wobbled.
Soon, Eve would arrive at my door, and then she’d start to get suspicious. I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t turn around as soon as she got here and leave.
And even if she made it to the beach, once she spotted me, would she just walk away?
I hoped I’d at least have the chance to speak to her, but if I did, would I make it better or ruin things more?
I’d probably get tongue-tied. And what if whatever I said didn’t work?
What if what I’d done yesterday was too much for her to forgive?
“Spence?” Louise asked, placing a hand on my forearm.
“Is it too late to stop this?” I asked.
Her eyes went wide, her features twisting. “Spencer Whitaker, I can’t believe what I’m hearing.”
“I’m sorry. I’m just…I’m nervous. What if she says no? What if she yells at me? What if she hates me?”
Louise shook her head. “Eve is not going to do any of those things because she’s a nice person. And even if things turn…emotional, you just keeping telling her how you feel and how you’ll prove it to her if she’ll give you the chance.”
“What if she won’t even give me the chance to say anything? Louise, I think I destroyed her trust in me yesterday.”
Louise grabbed hold of my shoulders, giving me a slight shake. “Spencer, listen to me. You hurt her, yes, but you can fix this. She’ll understand that you were scared. She was, too.”
I nodded, though I didn’t believe any of it. I still expected her not to understand why I’d done what I’d done.
I imagined me pouring my heart out to her only for her to frown, wrapping her arms around herself as she coldly turned me down.
“I’m sorry, Spencer, but what you did…it’s unforgivable.”
With a shrug, she’d turn and walk away from me, breaking my heart anyway despite my best effort.
I heaved a sigh, my familiar worries resurfacing as they always did. Things didn’t work out for me. Why did I expect this would?