“Not a chance, darlin’. I want Eve to have the best ring ever. Now, I’ve picked out two in this store, one in the one down the street, and I’m saving my personal favorite for last.” I waved a finger at the jeweler across the street.
We spent the morning picking out that all-important ring. As we perused each selection, I kept my eye trained on Spencer for any sign of him wavering, but he didn’t.
He seemed intent on picking something that would make her say yes, that would appeal to her but also show her how much she meant to him.
When he made his section–my favorite choice, too–he made the purchase, offering me a nervous grin. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
“Are you having second thoughts?”
“No,” he answered with a vehement shake of his head. “I’m just…really nervous. I think I may have ruined everything with her. I wouldn’t blame her if she said no.”
“Oh, darlin’, she truly cares about you. Just…be honest, tell her how much you care, how big of a mistake you made, but tell her why. Admit that you were scared. She’ll understand.”
He gave me a dubious glance as he stared at the ring. “Right.”
“Now, let’s go finish getting the other details in place.”
We spent the better part of the afternoon setting up her scavenger hunt that would lead her to Spencer.
As the sun descended toward the horizon, painting the sky pinks and purples, Spencer took his spot on the beach. Hishands trembled as he waited, champagne chilling, ready for a celebration.
I sent her the first text, sending her on a trek through Newport.
As the first message went out to her, I shot Spencer an excited grin. “It’s almost time. Soon, you’ll both find your happiness.”
I squeezed his arm, a silent sign of support as I hoped against hope that Eve would find it in her heart to forgive him and give him a second chance.
The sand shifted under my feet as I shifted my weight from foot to foot for the umpteenth time. I licked my lips as my eyes fell on the champagne chilling next to me. Would we open it tonight to celebrate? Or would I be using it to drown my sorrows as Eve left me behind like I’d done to her only yesterday?
I worried the fresh rejection would be too much for her.
I know it would have been for me. My features pinched as I imagined being on the receiving end of that speech.
I’d given that speech because of all the times I’d been in the exact same position as Eve. And instead of being sensitive to that, I’d treated her the way I’d hated to be treated.
With a deep, shaky inhale, I studied the rest of the preparations we’d made for this moment. From the carnations I’d give her to the tiki torches that would light her way to me, Louise had made every detail as romantic as possible.
She’d even included soft music playing in the background.
I reached into my pocket, my fingers closing around the velvet ring box before I withdrew it and took another look at the one I’d selected, suddenly second-guessing my choice. What if she hated the ring? Like, hated it enough to reject me?
No, I thought with a shake of my head. Eve wasn’t like that. She wasn’t materialistic. Though I’d still picked one that would impress anyone in my circle, it had her style.
I traced the sapphire in the center, surrounded by diamonds. I loved it in the store, just as Louise had, but now I wondered if it had been too much of a gamble.
“You ready, darlin’?” Louise asked, her cell phone ready.
I pulled my eyes from the ring, fear constricting my chest until I almost couldn’t breathe. “No,” I whispered.
She offered me a soft, supportive smile. “You’ll be okay. Remember what we talked about.”
I forced a fleeting smile. “Be honest. Be open. Tell her I love her.”
I repeated the words in my mind like a mantra as Louise nodded and fired off the first text message.