“I’m not, Lou. I just…I want you to be happy. I’m sorry this happened, but I don’t want anything else to happen to you over it.”
I rubbed at my temple. “Darlin’, I appreciate you protecting me, but I need to protect that sweet little girl who I shovedinto this situation, too. I want to go to Spencer’s and sign those papers.”
“All right,” he answered. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
“Thank you.”
I sat in the kitchen, my emotions overrunning me, a mix of anger and upset swirling within me and building with every moment.
After a few minutes, I tiptoed to the living room. Eve still slept soundly. I grabbed her keys from the bowl near her front door, slipped out of her apartment, locked the door, and tucked them into my purse.
Theo pulled up to the curb a few minutes later, scurrying from behind the wheel to open my door.
As we both settled into our seats and he aimed for Spencer’s, he slipped his hand around mine. The simple gesture and the warmth behind it finally opened the floodgates. I shed a few tears, prompting him to rub my shoulder.
“Sweetheart…I’m so sorry. I know you wanted them to stay together.”
“I feel like it’s my fault,” I sobbed.
“It’s not, Lou. They…they decided to do this, and Eve just…had some bad luck.”
Those words made me cry more. “That’s what she said, too. She’s unlucky in love.”
“Well, I know you, Lou. You’ll have her back on her feet in no time, and probably with an upgraded boyfriend.” He shot me that award-winning smile that had melted my heart when we first met as we pulled into Spencer’s driveway.
I wanted him to be right, but I just wasn’t certain anymore.
He tossed the shifter into park. “You want me to come in with you?”
“No, I’d rather you didn’t. This is between me and Spencer. I won’t be long.” I kissed his cheek with a sniffle before I opened my door and slipped from my seat.
My heels pounded across the pavement as I stormed my way toward the house. I threw open the door and entered.
“Lou? Is that you?” Spencer’s voice called.
“Yep,” I snapped, storming toward it.
“The divorce papers are right–” He froze as he spotted me. “Is everything okay?”
I glanced down at the papers and snatched the pen that sat next to them, scribbling my name across the page where indicated. I slammed the pen down and dug into my purse, fishing the rings Spencer had given me out of my purse.
“No,” I answered finally, setting my glare on him, “everything isnotokay.”
“What happened? Something with Theo?”
My nostrils flared. “Nope.”
His brow furrowed. “Well, you seem upset…”
“You’re darn right I’m upset. I ran into Eve.”
His eyebrows lifted, realization crossing his face. “Oh, Lou. Look, I’m sorry we lied to you, but–”
“Lied? You mean about how you weren’t really dating?” I asked.
He nodded. “Yeah. Look, I just…I didn’t want a string of bad dates, and so I asked Eve if we could just ride it out until you found love. I’m sorry we lied to you.”
I crossed my arms, flicking away a tear that fell to my cheek.