“Goodbye, Spencer,” I said, a lump forming in my throat.
He turned away from me and strolled away, shoving his hands casually into his pockets.
I spun on a heel and hurried away in the opposite direction, rushing to get to my apartment before the whirlwind of regret and sadness boiled over.
I made it as far as the next corner, rounded it, and collapsed on a bench there as the floodgates opened.
Hot tears streamed down my cheeks and a sob escaped me. I pressed a hand against my downturned lips, pleased that no one even bothered to stop as I wept on the bench.
I tried to head for my apartment a few times, but my clouded vision made it too difficult to walk.
I couldn’t seem to control my emotions. Spencer had been the only good relationship I’d ever had.
We weren’t a real relationship, my mind reminded me. Maybe that’s why I’d found it so easy.
Every quiet moment alone brought back flashes of our time together–the laughs, the shared confidences, and even the awkward silences that somehow brought us closer. As much as I tried to convince myself our connection was just a convenient fabrication, my heart knew the truth–for me, it wasn’t just pretend.
I’d connected with Spencer on a personal level when we’d spent time together. From the arcade to the giant bear that sat on my bed, he’d made me smile, laugh, and enjoy life.
And now we had come full circle. Now, he’d made me cry.
The ease with which he’d dispatched our relationship had reminded me of why I didn’t date. And it made it clear that he didn’t share my feelings. For him, this was fake.
I’d been used, but because I allowed myself to be used. I’d agreed to it.
Fresh tears flowed, my lips tugging into a frown as I sank my head into my hands.
Panic made my stomach quiver as I recognized Louise’s voice. I couldn’t let her see me like this.
I quickly wiped away my tears as I leapt to my feet, finding her hurrying toward me with concern etched into her pretty features. Theo followed behind her, his eyebrows knitted.
“Eve? Are you crying?” Louise asked.
“No,” I said with a sniffle, feeling ridiculous lying to her.
“Your eyes are red, your nose is red, and your face is all splotchy,” Louise answered. “Tell me again you weren’t crying.”
I lifted a shoulder, a penitent expression on my features. “I wasn’t crying?”
“Very funny, Eve,” she answered. “What happened?”
She glanced around. “Where is Spencer?”
My heart leapt into my throat, worsening the lump that already resided there. “Uhh…”
Louise cocked her head, waiting for my response.
I considered lying, telling her I’d canceled our date because I’d gotten some bad news. Maybe I could say I lost a contract or…some obscure aunt had died.
But as I raised my gaze to hers, I found myself unable or unwilling to do that. She was going to find out eventually, and I couldn’t lie anymore.
With a lick of my lips, I shook my head. “Let’s talk after your date. Maybe tomorrow?”
By then I should have recovered and not be a weeping mess.
“Well, that just won’t do,” Louise said with a shake of her head, one hand on her hip. “No, you’re going to tell me tonight.”