I stayed as close to the edge as I possibly could, afraid the proximity would lead to another awkward situation.
My pulse still raced every time I recalled how it felt to lock lips with Eve. I stared into the darkened room, my fear playing terrible tricks on me.
I needed Louise to wrap up her dating before this went any further. I couldn’t take much more. I was falling for Eve, and every time I got close to someone, I got burned.
With a giddy grin, I stared down at the ring Theo had placed on my finger in Vale. Surrounded by the restorative, bubbling waters with violinists serenading us, it had been a perfect romantic moment.
I’d stared at the ring all night, still trying to convince myself it was real. But it was. And I couldn’t be more excited.
I kept the news under my hat for the weekend, carefully observing Spencer and Eve. They seemed to act almost normal after my trickery to force them together, yet there seemed to be some tension between them.
Had the forced proximity somehow made things worse or had it been my non-commitment to Theo that held them up.
I shifted in front of my vanity as I recalled a conversation with Eve as the men dealt with checking us out of our rooms.
“So, how did things go with Spencer in that confined space? Nothing shows true colors like being stuck together inunexpected circumstances.” I arched an eyebrow as I waited for her response.
“Oh, it was fine,” she said, her voice a little too nonchalant.
“Fine? Orfine?”
“Stop,” she said with a shake of her head and a laugh. “We worked it out and got through the weekend. But I’m more interested in how things went with Theo. Are things looking promising after your weekend together?”
Something about the way she studied me, the eagerness in her eyes tipped me off. She and Spencer were holding back because of me. They didn’t want to giddily announce how happy they were together until they knew I was settled.
I raised my chin and stared at my reflection. And happy I was.
All I had to do was make the announcement about our engagement, and I just knew things were going to fall into place for my two best friends.
I couldn’t wait until I helped Spencer pick out the ring–at least, I hoped he asked for my advice. I’d already been browsing several jewelry stores and had my eye on a few things.
Of course, it would be his choice in the end, but I’d make sure I steered him in the right direction for what Eve would want that spoke to her uniqueness, her sweet personality, her down-to-earth side but still said my husband is rich.
I definitely wanted the last bit to rub in her sister’s face.
My nose wrinkled as I recalled Audrey Dawson. “She’ll probably be the maid of honor at their wedding.”
My voice matched how deflated I was about the news. I knew it was Eve’s choice and Eve’s wedding, but I desperately wanted to be included. “Maybe she can work me into the bridal party at least.”
I’d mention it to her when we had our first wedding meeting because no matter who was her maid of honor, yours truly was planning her wedding.
Ideas floated through my head, both for my wedding and Eve and Spencer’s.
I launched myself from my stool and hurried to dig through my desk drawer for a notebook. I jotted down all my ideas for both of us before I flipped the notebook shut and pressed it to my chest. I couldn’t wait to share all of them with Eve–who would be my maid of honor for certain.
I couldn’t wait to tell her, and I planned to do it over a lunch date this afternoon, but first, I’d break the news to Spencer.
With the notebook stowed in my purse for our first wedding meeting later, I pranced my way downstairs in search of my roomie.
“Spencer? Spencer!”
The kitchen was empty as was the living room.
With my hands on my hips, I climbed the stairs again, shouting for my soon-to-be-ex-husband, “Spencer? Spence?”