“I think…I think you can know what love is even if you maul someone else in public.”
She chuckled, and I realized how much I liked the sound of her laugh. “Maybe love just looks different for different people.”
The words gave me a little hope, though I had to keep reminding myself that, despite the champagne and romance filling the room, we weren’t a couple. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”
We smiled at each other for a moment, and I wondered if there was a method to Louise’s madness. There seemed to be a connection between us, a spark that was building. But before it really fired, she glanced away and rose from the bed. “Well, we may need to tell that to Louise.”
The moment deflated faster than an untied balloon as did my hopes. “Yeah. Do you think we should say something about…this.”
I waved my finger around the room.
Eve tugged her lips into a wince before she shook her head. “Maybe not. I mean…let her think she’s pulled a coup. Maybe it’ll even help.”
“You mean with Theo?”
“Yeah,” Eve said with a nod of her head. “Like I said, they seemed to be moving fast, but also slow. If they’re that close, as evidenced by their public behavior, you’d think Louise would be talking divorce. But…she hasn’t even brought it up, right?”
I shook my head. “Not a peep. And I thought the same thing. You’d think she’d be saying something like…hey, get those divorce papers ready, sugar, I think I found my happy, but nothing.”
“I really expected her to do that, too. By the way,” she said with an amused grin, “that’s a really great Louise impression.”
“Thank you,” I answered, lifting my chin. “Well, I guess you’re right. We’ll let her think she’s pushed us closer together, and then we’ll see if things move along with Theo.”
“Good plan,” she said, shooting a finger gun at me.
I may not hang all over her in public, but those little things that she did made me like her. I sucked in a deep breath and glanced around the room. “Well, this isn’t so bad. I can take the couch at least.”
“Oh, okay,” she said with a nod. “Umm, it doesn’t look very comfortable though.” She wrinkled her nose at the misshapen cushions.
“It’ll be fine.”
“Okay. I mean, we could share the bed if you wanted. We’re both adults. I trust you.”
The last three words made my heartbeat faster for some reason. “Well, uh, I just didn’t want to…make you uncomfortable. But if you don’t mind…”
“I don’t,” she assured me.
Silence passed between us before I finally shrugged my bag off and placed it down on the other luggage holder.
“So, I don’t mean to be presumptuous,” I said as she unzipped her suitcase and pulled out a few items, taking them into the bathroom, “but it would be a shame to let this champagne go to waste.”
“Oh,” she said, her features a little surprised as she emerged empty-handed, “I guess…I guess we could drink it. I hadn’t thought about it, but I did think it would be horrible to waste those strawberries.”
I chuckled at her as I tore open the wrapper that covered them and held the plate toward her. “Madam.”
“Why, thank you, sir,” she said with a curtsy. She selected one and bit into it. “Mmm, this is worth it.”
I popped the cork on the champagne and poured two glasses, handing it to her. “To Louise. Thank you for the goodies.”
“Despite our fake relationship, we will still enjoy them,” Eve said with a grin.
The words crushed me again, but I tried to find levity in them as we clinked our glasses together and both took a sip.
Eve wandered to the window. “It’s a really pretty view.”
“It is,” I agreed, joining her there with a strawberry in one hand and my champagne in the other. “I’d love to just stay in and stare at it.”
“Me too,” Eve answered. “What do you say to some room service? I wouldn’t mind eating in my pajamas.”