As they approached Blake's room, a doctor stepped out to meet them. He was a middle-aged man with kind eyes and a neatly trimmed salt-and-pepper beard. "Deputies," he said, "I'm Dr. Angstrom. I've been overseeing Mr. Blake's care."
"How is he, doctor?" Sheila asked.
"Mr. Blake is stable, but he's suffered a concussion and several broken ribs. We're monitoring him closely for any signsof internal bleeding. The crash could have been much worse—he's lucky to be alive."
Sheila felt a mix of relief and frustration. They needed Blake alive to get answers, but his injuries meant they'd have to tread carefully in their questioning.
"Can we speak with him?" she asked.
"Yes, but please keep it brief," Dr. Angstrom said. "He needs rest, and too much stress could impede his recovery. If you notice any signs of distress—increased pain, shortness of breath, confusion—please alert the nursing staff immediately."
Sheila and Finn nodded their understanding. As they entered the room, Sheila's eyes were immediately drawn to the bed where Thomas Blake lay, looking pale and diminished against the white hospital sheets. His face was a patchwork of cuts and bruises, and an IV drip snaked into his arm. The steady beep of a heart monitor filled the room.
A woman sat beside him, her hand clasped tightly around his. She was in her early forties, with shoulder-length brown hair and the kind of polished appearance that screamed 'politician's wife.' She looked up as they entered, her eyes red-rimmed from crying.
"Mrs. Blake?" Sheila asked gently.
The woman nodded. "Leanna Blake. Are you the officers who...who found Thomas?"
Sheila's ears pricked up at the name. Leanna—the same name Blake had mentioned before losing consciousness. 'Don't tell Leanna,' he'd said. She exchanged a quick glance with Finn, seeing that he'd made the same connection.
"Yes, ma'am," Finn replied. "I'm Deputy Mercer, and this is Deputy Stone. We need to ask your husband a few questions about the accident. Would you mind giving us a moment alone with him?"
Leanna's grip on Blake's hand tightened. "I...I don't want to leave him. He's been through so much already."
"It's okay, honey," Blake said weakly. "I'll be fine. Just give us a few minutes."
Leanna looked torn, her eyes darting between her husband and the deputies. Finally, she nodded reluctantly. "Alright. But I'll be right outside if you need me, Thomas."
She stood and left the room, casting a worried glance back at her husband as she went. Sheila couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the woman. Whatever was going on with Blake, it was clear his wife was caught in the middle of it.
Once the door closed behind Leanna, Sheila turned to Blake. His eyes were downcast, a mix of shame and fear evident on his face. The confident politician they'd seen in news clips and campaign posters was nowhere to be seen. In his place was a broken man, clearly wrestling with some inner turmoil.
Blake closed his eyes, a pained expression crossing his face. "I...I've made a terrible mistake," he whispered.
"What kind of mistake?" Finn asked.
Blake's eyes fluttered open, darting between Sheila and Finn. "I...I can't. You don't understand. If this gets out..."
"Mr. Blake," Sheila said, "we're not here to judge you. We're trying to solve a very serious crime. Anything you tell us could be crucial."
Blake shook his head slightly, wincing at the movement. "You don't get it. My career, my family...everything's at stake."
"Is this about Sophie Tournay?" Sheila asked.
Blake's eyes widened, fear flashing across his face. "How did you...? No, I can't talk about this."
Sheila took a deep breath, searching for the right words. "Thomas, whatever you're involved in, keeping silent will only make things worse. We need to know the truth."
Blake's gaze flickered, wavering. "It's not just about me," he muttered.
"Then who is it about? We can't help you if you don't open up."
Blake's eyes closed for a moment, as if gathering his strength. When he opened them again, there was a flicker of resolve. "Sophie and I...we were having an affair. But you probably know that already, don't you? Why else would you bring up her name?"
Sheila remained silent. Was it possible Blake didn't know about Sophie's death?
"How long has this affair been going on?" Finn asked.