My gut twists tightly before it releases in a rush of pleasure that sends my muscles rippling. I grip her thigh hard, as I slam my hips down on hers and pump my seed deeper into her sex until she’s milked me of my last drop. My body loses tension, and I roll to the side of the bed with a heavy grunt. The room is quiet, leaving for our heavy breathing, and when Emily turns to look at me, I spy a lazy, satisfied smile on her lips.
“Forget quitting, my boss is going to fire me for sure,” she chuckles, leaning in and brushing her lips on my bicep.
“That’ll mean more time I get to have you to myself.”
She chuckles, slapping my shoulder before getting up, her dark hair whipping around her as she walks towards the bathroom, but pauses at the door. “If you get me to work on time, you might even get a goodbye kiss.”
With that, she walks into the ensuite and closes the door behind her as if that’s going to keep me out. I look at the alarm clock I rarely use, and figure I can spare ten more minutes for another quick shower, so I join her in the bathroom.
The teasing smile that greets me when I walk into the bathroom lets me know that she was expecting me to join her, and when she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls my mouth down on hers into a hot kiss, I swear to protect the girl with my life.
Chapter Seven
I’m late.
Dan is going to fire me. I’m sure of it.
Christ, I cannot afford to lose the job. Despite Callan’s firm promise to protect me, can I really trust him to keep his word? It’s always been me for as long as I can remember and asking me to put all my trust in him when we barely know much about each other is asking too much. At least if feels that way.
I turn my head to look at the man driving me to work, his dark eyes focused on the road ahead and I admit, to anyone who hasn’t interacted with the gentle giant, they would be terrified out of their boots faced with him. My eyes drop to the massive hand clutching the steering wheel and follow the thick veins to the dark tattoos on his arm that disappear into the rolled sleeves of his shirt.
Callan is easily the hottest man I have ever seen and, Christ, I want more than anything to stay. To have those massive arms lock me in his embrace and lull me to sleep. I want to lie down on the couch and cuddle him and his massive dogs until dawn breaks through one of his glass walls.
And when I get up to grab us a snack from the kitchen, I long to feel the man crowd me to the fridge like he did last night. For him to spin me around and drop to his knees and drive histongue wetly through the slit of my sex until I am begging with the need to come.
Even the memory of it alone sends my sex clenching with need, despite the morning we just had.
“What are you thinking about?” Callan asks, reaching out and taking my hand with his.
I look down at our joined hands, his much larger ones covering mine and I choke back the lump that clogs my throat at the sight. It looks so natural, almost as if we’ve been doing this for ten years and not just a day. Almost as if I haven’t spent the better part of my life swimming through the murky waters of life alone.
Almost as if he’s been here the entire time. By my side. Holding my hand through it all.
“I was thinking that you still haven’t given me a tour of your place,” I choke out, but Callan doesn’t make any indication that he hears the tears in my voice.
“I’ve shown you most of it,” he says.
“Well, I barely had time to look before you had me backed up against a wall with my legs wrapped around your waist.”
“And that would still be happening if you hadn’t insisted on going to work. You could have taken a sick day.”
“That’s not what sick days are for,” I scold him.
The lump in my throat eases up a bit as we chat about everything and nothing, and when he pulls up in front of the diner, I breathe in a sigh of relief when I notice the closed sign. Okay, maybe I’m late, but I can still make it in before the breakfast rush starts.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you to your place to grab fresh clothes?” Callan asks when I push open the car door.
“There is no time for that,” I tell him, climbing out of the truck. “I have a spare set in my locker. Besides, I’m going to change into the uniform anyway.” The giant climbs out as well and circles the car to me, his hand going around my waist as he pulls me flush against him before I can react. “Cal…”
“I’ll pick you up at four. That’s when your shift ends, right?”
“Four thirty,” I tell him, not bothering to ask him how he knows my schedule when he’s implied so many times that he’s been watching me. Christ, how the hell did I manage to convince myself not to freak out over that fact?
Under normal circumstances, I would label his behavior as that of a stalker except well, this doesn’t feel normal, and the man didn’t make a point to hide it either.